Mom always told me that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, 'You know, things get shit, but it’ll work out in the end.' Kinda hard believing that when you’re getting the shit kicked out of you. “Stop moving pencil dick, or I might hit your face.” Ace Brentwood, the school’s star football player was having some fun with me, well, his idea of fun. I wasn’t going to stand there and take it, I thrashed around like a madman thinking that if I were too much trouble they’d leave me alone after all I hadn’t done anything to them not that asshole bullies needed a reason.

“This virgin is a slippery one,” Chet grunted out from behind me, the stank of cigarettes and body odor that was almost enough to incapacitate me.

“That’s because virgins have lots of energy, all they spend their free time being creepy, peeping on girls, and jerking off to Japanese comics,” Kezia sneered. She was by the entrance to the alleyway doing a lousy job of being a lookout because she was more interested in the two assholes tormenting me.

“That's not me!”

Ace thew a jab, “Shut up, you little bitch!” it caught me in the solar plexus, and blinding pain flashed in my gut and crept outwards like a hand climbing up out of my throat making it hard to breathe, and I brought up my lunch.

“You dirty fucker!” Chet shouted as some of it landed on his pants. He let go of me and stomped on the back of my ankle, sending me crashing to the ground my hands clutching dirt and rainwater. My life was now pain, surrounded by pain, “Fucking cunt,” he spat, kicking me in the stomach. My hands flew up to my head for some reason if I had been thinking clearly, I would’ve remembered that they wouldn’t touch my face, too many questions would be raised and Riverdale Academy didn’t like negative attention to tarnish their academy of excellence.

“Guys, pigs are coming,”

“You’re fucking lucky, bitch,” Ace growled and punched me in the chest as a parting shot.

I groaned and lay there inert watching the three figures disappear. When the pain subsided I collected my things and headed... Where? I didn’t want to go home, not yet, my sister would be there Either with one of her girlfriends or some random guy. Better to find somewhere to get cleaned up... My Uncle's office is down by the red-light district.

The bus ride was quite far from Riverdale Academy. It was going to be late by the time I got home, but I doubt anyone would notice. I spent most of my time holed up in my bedroom, anyway. Mom was worried about her baby boy’s future, saying that I lacked focus. *** assumed everything was going to turn out fine, my sis didn’t give a shit, she had her own life to live and all of this coupled with the shit going on at school all I wanted was to tune everything out.

Even people on the bus avoided me, I had to give them some credit got that, I must’ve looked like a right mess, soaked, covered in dirt and god knows what else from the alley, I could walk, but my ankle throbbed like a bitch where Chet kicked me. If only I could get back at them, I didn’t want to cause trouble, though Mom wouldn’t cope well if I got expelled and I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight them head-on.

My head hurt as well as my goddamn leg, I vaguely remembered where my uncle’s place was *** had brought me there once to drop something off, I vaguely remember his office being on the top floor which meant I had to climb some stairs, who the hell has an office in a building with no elevator? My ankle throbbed with each set, briefly, I considered turning back, but I had nowhere else to go, my stomach grumbled and I had no cash.

I thought maybe I had the wrong place, but then I remembered the film studio on the floor beneath my uncle’s office, it was lit up like a neon blue Christmas tree, and it was the same as the last time I came here. They tried to hide what they were doing by plastering the windows with movie posters. Only that the posters were adult flyers and they did a shit job of it, it didn’t take me long to find a gap between the papers, peer in, and see two women eating each other out in the middle of the seedy studio. My cock panged as I watched a couple of naked guys rub their dicks, I felt a low hum of resentment, knowing that I was the last kind of guy that would end up in a porn shoot, not that I wanted to be in a porno.

I had to stop for a breath when I got to the top floor, my leg was on fire, “Uncle Frank?” I called out, rapping on the door.

“Fuck off, you telemarketing scum!” came a graveled voice from the other side of the door.

“Uncle Frank, it’s me, Evan.”

“I don’t know no Evan.”

“Yes, you do, I’m your nephew.”

I heard a clack of metal and bolts being shifted. The door to the office pulled back, and I came face to face with my uncle his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he lived off energy bars and coffee and very little else.

“Evan, it’s you. Why didn’t you say so earlier, damn, kids with your pranks.”

“But I... never mind, can I come in? I need a place to stay for a couple of hours and I need to clean up.”

He looked past me and down the stairs, “Are you in trouble? You look a mess. Did you rip a dealer off or something? Don’t you be bringing shit to my doorstep?”

“No, it’s nothing like that. I got into a brawl with some guys from my school. I want to clean up before mom sees me and freaks out.”

“Okay, don’t touch anything.” He stepped aside to let me in, the place was a mess papers were all over the floor, and there were folders everywhere, and power tools were lying around haphazardly... was that a blow-up doll on the sofa? I wondered how he got any work done, come to think of it, I didn’t know what Uncle Frank did? “You want a drink, I got coffee, I Made it a few days ago, still good. Wait, how old are you, are you allowed to drink coffee?”

“I’m eighteen and no thanks.”

He went to the kitchen corner of his office and grabbed a mug, “Suit yourself, there’s a toilet to the right. I think there’s a rag in the sink just move the vials off to the side. Be careful, it’ll melt your skin, Oh wait, did I use the rag for them, Ah, whatever, you’ll find out in a minute.”

He started tinkering with something on a nearby desk, I went to the bathroom, no door, found the hanging light switch, it wasn’t much better than the rest of the place. I gave myself a quick visual in the dirty mirror as expected, my face was a bit tattered, but nothing suggesting that I had my ass kicked. My body was a different story. I lifted my shirt and winced, in the mirror, I had a couple of red marks on my chest, surrounded by deep purple bruises, 'Good thing I'm not part of the swim club I thought for some reason and laughed only to receive pain. I turned on the tap and used my hand to wipe my face clean of the dirt, “Uncle Frank, do you have a shirt I can borrow?”

“Fuck me, you don’t ask for much, do you? There are some boxes by the cabinets, check in there.”

“Okay,” I rifled through the boxes and found a tee that was about my size. I turned, so he couldn’t see my marks, and quickly pulled it on, Shit! I picked up another tee that was identical to mine and looked at the front, it said HORSE COCK with an arrow pointing down, “Uh, do you have anything else?”

“Jesus, did George raise you to be an ungrateful little shit or something?”


He sighed. “Okay, kid, maybe I’ve been a little hard on you. Socializing isn’t my forte. I spend most of my time with my work, most of the time all I have for company are the moans coming up from the floorboards.”

“What do you do, *** never said or he said you’re an inventor or something?”

“Cute coming from that normie. Yeah, I make shit, shit those hacks from Hartmore couldn’t possibly comprehend.”

“Didn’t Aunt Phyllis go to Hartmore?”

“Yes, she did, Graduated with full honors, the lucky bitch.”

“How come you didn’t?”

“Because apparently, undergraduate students weren’t authorized to try to start a nuclear exchange study program with the North Koreans. Shame too. They look like they weren’t held back by red tape like us and their boss has a pretty stylish haircut.”


“Anyway, the government took a shine to some of my inventions. They’re quite useful when it comes to funding.”

“Can you show me some stuff?”

His eyes narrowed, “You’re not a spy, are you?” He asked as he pinched my cheek.

He led me to another room, and there were various boxes stacked on each other. Some had the words ‘top secret’ stamped on them. On a table there was a disassembled cell phone and next to it were files with the words ‘Brain Hack App’ scrawled on them.

“What’s that?”

“Ah, nothing, it was something I was tinkering with, I had an assistant, you know. He helped me with it said I was an amazing guy. He was around your age, too.”

“Cool, what happened to him?”

“Ah, he stopped helping me, had some ****** issues.”

He rummaged through some boxes until he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. “Whoa, Uncle Frank, what are you doing?”

“Check this out, this is one of my latest inventions.” Cold sweat crawled down my spine, it looked like a regular Desert Eagle pointing at me and then he pulled the trigger, I thought my life was over, “Huh, it doesn’t work, what the hell!” He started smacking the end of the gun against the table.

“Did you just try to shoot me?”

“Relax, it’s a modifier tool, I used the gun frame as a housing for my lazy emitter beam.”

“A what?”

“Lazy emitter beam? C’mon, the name tells you all you need to know. God, you kids are fucking dense nowadays. It’s a device that shoots out special rays that modifies your mood levels, I’m talking total lethargy. Imagine the battlefield applications or riot control hit those fuckers with this ray, and no one wants to do jack shit, they sit there. I swear, it works better than some fake-ass celebrity cracking open a can of Pepsi.” He looked at his gun and pulled a face, “This is going to bug me, Okay, you stay here and don’t fucking touch anything, I’ll be right back,” he grabbed the gun and went back to his work desk, muttering something unintelligible.

I fought the urge to nose through the top-secret boxes partly out of fear. Uncle Frank wasn’t the most stable and who knew what was in those boxes but the device on the table drew my attention... Brain Hack... Sounded like some sort of mind-altering device, it was in pieces. In my ****** it seemed like most of my relatives on my ***’s side were kind of smart, except for ***, he was intelligent, but he was normal compared to Uncle Frank so I wasn’t exactly the smartest person in the ****** to be assembling the phone. My foot hit something under the table. There was a box with a lid half closed over it. Curious, I picked it up. There were files related to the Brain Hack device. And also another phone in the box. Curiosity got the better of me, I checked on Uncle Frank who looked deep in concentration over the gun. I told myself I just wanted a peek, as I held the power button until the screen came to life. To my disappointment, it looked like a regular smartphone, I scrolled through the apps, there was a strange one (Nice-level) that I had never seen but nothing resembling a brain-hacking app... Maybe I was being stupid about this?

“Hey, Ethan, I think I fixed it!” Panicking, I shoved the phone in my pants pocket and shoved the box back under the table. “What are you doing down there?”

“Nothing, my back is hurting, so I thought I stretch.”

“Whatever, Hey, you ready to try it out?” he said, pointing the gun at me.

“Ah, no, I’m good, it was good seeing you, uncle, but Mom called and she’s wondering when I’ll be home.”

“I see, Okay, I’ll try it out on some pedestrians or something. Be good to test out this device’s range. Do you reckon it’d work on a moving vehicle? Be good to test out its barrier-piercing capabilities, too. Hit one of them, taxi drivers.”

“Uh, I don’t think that’ll be a good idea.”

“...Why not?”


I grabbed the plate of food mom had left me in the fridge. The lights downstairs were off, which meant everyone had retired for the evening. I loaded up an anime series I downloaded over the weekend and sat in front of the screen, eating my dinner, the food was lovely, but I couldn’t concentrate. I got the phone out and placed it on my desk, Luckily, there was a charging cable in my miscellaneous crap that fit it. Booting the phone and there it was the NICE Level app... was it a sign, a divine intervention from above? All I wanted was to be left alone, to get the bullying to stop... Could this app do that, I mean, if people were nice to me, then my life would be more peaceful, right? I took a breath pressed the icon and waited for it to load, it seemed very janky. The load-up wasn’t smooth, and the menu was barebones. There was a slider to adjust the NICE level, which was set to almost max. That too, was greyed out, so I couldn’t set it to the lowest level to test out the capabilities. I guess it was another one of Uncle Frank’s inventions, in the alpha stages, a basic test model, all I could do was point it and press the big red button in the middle of the screen but when I did 'BIODATA REGISTERED' “What the?” The notification popped up and disappeared just as quickly... I waited nothing else seemed to be happening, there wasn’t any indication that it was working so I left it plugged in and went to bed, it was a stupid, impulsive act, I’ll sneak it back to my uncle before he knows it's missing.

School was uneventful, Ace and Chet passed me by in the corridor between classes, they gave me the usual shit about not ratting on them. If they were fucking smarter than a potato, they would have realized that I hadn’t ratted on them in the past and it would be pointless to do so. I hung out with some of my buddies who wanted to go into town to get the new Final Fantasy game, I declined saying that I had to drop by my Uncle Frank’s. I already had an excuse ready for Uncle Frank it was that I wanted to return that gaudy T-shirt and I had the phone in my pocket. I didn’t know why, but having it on me gave me a sense of comfort, it made me feel Zen, almost as much as watering the class plants, the soil, the philodendrons were sitting on was drying out. “Here you go, guys, drink up, and don't worry, I’ll make sure you have lots of water, I will be looking after you, and thank you for the delicious oxygen you make for us, we’re very grateful.” I was part of the gardening club, Yeah, I know it seemed dumb, but it was a pretty chill place and it was a place to keep to myself during recess when Ace and his asshole buddies were looking for someone to torment.

“Did you know talking to yourself is a sign of madness?”

I turned and saw a smiling Faith Westcott looking at me, “Actually, I was talking to the plants, some studies suggest that they grow better when you talk to them nicely or play music.”

“It’s like they have feelings?”

“Yeah, I like to think so but then I try not to think about it too much, I have no idea what kind of crisis of morality would happen if we started believing plants feel pain.”

“Oh no, I’m a vegan... what else would I eat?”

“I dunno, maybe start photosynthesizing or something.” She laughed, and the sound warmed me right up. Faith was angelic, she was one of the few girls who didn’t seem to judge me.

“Sorry for disturbing you, I always notice you tending to the plants and wanted to see how you are doing.”

“I’m good, thanks,” I lied.

“I’ll see you around, Evan.”

It was lame, but the fact that she even knew my name kinda made my day. My taste of happiness was short-lived, though, I was barely halfway down the hallway when someone grabbed me in a headlock and dragged me into the girl’s bathroom. I struggled to free myself and was slammed against the porcelain-tiled wall for doing so. “God, watching that lovey-dovey scene made me wanna throw up,” it was Kezia.

Jesus fucking Christ, these assholes don’t ever give me a break, “What do you want and where’s your boyfriend?”

“I don’t need Ace to handle a little pussy like you.”

Well, at least I wouldn’t get a beating but still I was kinda pissed that I looked so weak that even a girl thought she could push me around. “I’m having a bad day,” she sighed, “So maybe you can cheer me up? There’s a pair of Louboutin stilettos that I have my eye on, A cute pink pair, do you think they’d look good on me?” She stuck her leg out to emphasize the point. Shame burned through me, but as much of a bitch Kezia is she is also gorgeous. She kept her skirts dangerously short, which the teachers bristled about, well, the female teachers but no one could force anything on her because she was Ace’s girl. Even my friends thought it was worth dealing with that sharp tongue of hers when she walked past and up the stairway, just to get a look at her juicy ass, “So would you gift me some money so lil’ Kezia can get her shoes?”

“You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to give you anything.” She ignored me and started rifling through my bag.

“Hey!” I stood to confront her, she step back and continued pulling my shit out of my bag.

“I’d behave if I were you, A guy alone in the girl’s toilets, trapping me in with him, how would it look if I started screaming? Fucking hell, there’s nothing in here.”

She unfurled my Uncle's T-shirt and laughed, “Horse cock!? Jesus Christ, I seriously doubt it, fucking limp dick pussy.”

She picked up my phone, which fell out of my pocket in the tussle, "Hmm, maybe I can cash this in.”

“Give that back.”

“Ooh, I like that look, so angry. What are you going to do? Nothing, you know why because you’re weak and the strong rule in this fucking world. Ha, I know why you want it back, you got some fucked up porn on here, don’t you?”

“What, No.”

The screen came to life, I didn’t think I would need to password-lock the damn thing. “There’s nothing on here, no social apps? Makes sense with a loser like you what’s this, NICE App?” She started laughing, “Fucking amazing, what’s this one of those apps that measures how nice you are... let's have a go.”

“Hey, wait.”

She held the phone up. “Looks like a camera app.” She aimed it at herself and pressed the button, the bathroom was bathed in a flash of light. Did it work, was Kezia going to be nice to me now? “What a shitty app, it doesn’t fucking work!” she tossed the phone aside I cringed as it hit the bathroom floor.

“You should be nice to me. Things would be better for us all if you were.”

She looked at me like she looked at a piece of shit. “Fuck off!” I was an idiot to think it would’ve worked. She seemed no different, “Meh, you can have it back, probably worth fuck all, anyway, a waste of my goddamn time.” She dropped my bag went to the door and engaged the lock, “You know what, I had an idea. I thought about that fucking smug face you had when you were talking to that goody-two-shoes. Do you think a loser like you has a chance with someone like Faith?"

"No, I don’t think that at all.”

She shoved me against the wall, “Don’t fucking lie, I saw it in your eyes,” her hand cupped my crotch as sheer terror crawled down my spine, was she going to hurt my balls? Instead, she undid my pants and pulled my cock out, “Huh, not as small as I expected from a virgin loser like you.” I moaned it was the first time I ever had my dick touched by anyone other than myself and despite the fear and the anticipation of pain, my dick stirred and began growing in her hand, she started stroking it, her red manicured fingers curled over my shaft. “You like that, do you?” she laughed. “I bet you’re hating this right now but I have a great idea. I bet a little bitch like you wants nothing more than to give your shitty virginity to someone like Faith, Well, that’s not happening.” She got on her knees until her face was inches from my dick, I swallowed hard as the feeling of her breath dancing on my tip was amazing, “Yeah... I’m taking your cherry, whether you like it or not,” she chuckled.

“K-Kezia wait, I... oh fuck.” I pressed my head back against the tiled wall behind me. Hot, wet heat enveloped my dick, I didn’t know such a feeling existed. I looked down, and Kezia’s mouth was wrapped around my dick and then something twisted in my gut. It was one thing to watch blowjob videos, to fantasize about it, but it was another thing entirely to experience it. Her cheeks hollowed she was sucking me as if she had every intention of sucking my cum right out of my dick. God, this felt so wrong, but so good at the same time... one of my tormentors was on her knees in a dank toilet, pleasuring me with her mouth!! She groaned when my dick pulsed in her mouth as she worked it back out of her mouth, drawing a band of precum and spit connecting my tip with her lips.

“Are you enjoying this?”

“O-of course not, this is about teaching you a lesson, I’m not enjoying this at all.” Somehow, I wasn’t convinced, she looked almost bashful, “At least your dick tastes clean, how does my mouth feel?”

I swallowed, “It feels amazing!”

She looked up at me as her tongue lashed against my slit, drawing my precum all over her taste buds. “Good. After I’m done with you, no other mouth will measure up to mine, not that anyone will want to do this for you.” She slurped and sucked, making the most sensual animal noises that stirred something in me as my nuts tensed I knew I was close.

“Kezia...” I moaned, my cock swelled, ready to unleash a torrent of cum and then she pulled away, my balls panged with a severe aching pain. Fuck... I should’ve known better, all of this was her way of tormenting me.

“Get the fuck on the floor,” confused, I did what she told me to as she stood over me and I watched as she lifted her skirt, I sucked in a breath. Kezia pulled her panties aside, exposing her shaved pussy her lips looked inflamed and soaked with her excitement. She grabbed my dick and licked her lips “I’m going to devour your pathetic virgin cock.” I was helpless to do anything as she aimed my cock directly at her hot, wet entrance and drove her hips down on me.

“Oh, fuck!” I cried out, she was hot and tight, and my mind went blank as my cock was enveloped by her pussy.

“Holy shit. Why does your dick feel so fucking good?” she moaned. She let out a breath and chuckled. “It’s mine now, your cherry is mine. Not that bitch, Faith, mine, and fuck it's nice.”

I didn’t care that I was being ***** on the bathroom floor, Jesus, the feeling of being inside a vagina, even someone I detested... Christ, it felt amazing the inner walls of her pussy kept thumping and clenching me, milking my dick, coaxing the cum to the surface. Kezia bounced about me, moaning in pleasure as she used one hand to squeeze her breast through her shirt, which disappointed me a little, I sorely wanted to see them. The other hand, she rubbed her clit from what I understood, this felt good for girls when they did it, “Fucking maggot... with such a delicious dick...” she whimpered, her face was tight with pleasure under the eye shadow and shitty attitude a part of me thought she was kinda cute, I shook my head, there must be something wrong with me.

Her hips bounced harder and if it was possible, her pussy tightened around me even more, "Kezia... I can’t... I can’t hold it in anymore!”

“No! Don’t you fucking dare you, little bastard? Not without me, not until I cum.” I grabbed her hips and tried to think about all the shitty things she had done to me, throwing my bag into the bin... Laughing when Chet threw toilet water all over me... but the fact that my dick was deep inside her only made everything hotter, I was fucking my tormentor. She slammed her ass down hard and her hand was a blur over her clit, “Fuck!!!” she howled as her entire body shuddered and tightened then relaxed and tightened over and over I thought she was having an attack.

“I-I’m going to cum...”

She leaned in, panting heavily into my face. She was so close, and her lips looked so soft and shiny... “Cum, you piece of shit, fill my cunt with cum, I’m taking your fucking virginity.” My face tightened, and I couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to, even if I was going to pay for it, my hands grabbed her deliciously round and soft buttocks, holding her tight against me.

“Oh, shit!” It was like my body had a mind of its own, my hips drove upwards trying to get as deep into Kezia’s core as I could and she met me by driving down to swallow up as much of my dick as she could. Her eyes were crazed, manic like a beautiful, dangerous mad woman given exactly what she wanted and then she snaked her tongue into my mouth. My eyes widened, I could taste the obscene mix of cigarettes and bubblegum. I groaned into her mouth as my cock swelled painfully and I came hard my body shuddered violently as a wave of heat washed through me, compacting into a laser tightness and shooting forth out of my dick.

“Cum, you fucker,” she mewled into my ear, “Cum.” Thick ropes of my cum blasted deep into her pussy, A part of me wondered if she was on the pill but most of me didn’t care for anything other than filling her up surrounded by her heat and scent, smelling faintly of her sweat, perfume and sex in a strange, almost tender moment, she nestled against me, waiting to catch her breath. Then she looked at me, blinked a few times, and stood up she pulled her panties back in place, seemingly unbothered that my cum was still deep inside her. No doubt it was going to leak out slowly, too.

She looked down at me and smiled. It wasn’t an angelic smile. “That’s right, maggot. I took your virginity. There’s nothing you could do that would ever change that fact. You’re going to live out your days knowing that. I’ll see you around,” she chuckled, grabbed her bag, and left.

For some reason, her idea of punishment didn’t bother me, not one bit.

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