Marriage Counseling Works His Cock Right Into My Wife

All The Way Cover.jpg

"I’m glad for you Yvonne that your husband’s penis appears to be at least average-sized or larger. There was a possibility that it would be a little fellow and you might have been sexually frustrated as a result. But it looks to be a fairly nice one. It's so stiff and erect isn't it?"

"Yes, it’s nice and it’s very stiff" my wife said, her face red as she looked over at me.

"Your husband is very aroused I see.

Andy,” he said, looking at me, “Something got you hard. Does it turn you on that I am looking at and seeing your sexy wife with her beautiful breasts exposed and just wearing her small pretty panties?"

"Yes" I replied.

I took this from another site readers while using my laptop one time in a motel long ago and then forgot about it. Found it tonight while digging through my laptop files and thought why not stick in on for my regular readers? It was written by someone named Andrew six pack and enhanced and lengthened by me, EroticWriter.

The original title was just 'Marriage Counseling' and I lengthened the title.

I also cut up long paragraphs and sometimes turned them into one and two sentence paragraphs. I think that makes for easier reading and keeping track of the story line.

Andrew six pack seems to write with a foreign accent, and I have left much of the 'funny language' in the story, while trying to correct typos and separate places where words were run together etc. I also added more erotic talk between the three as the counselor proceeds to get the wife undressed, etc.

You can pretty much tell where I added text as writing loses its accent.

Is it a true story, perhaps? Could be, because the writer calls himself Andrew six pack and in the story he refers to himself as 'Andy.' So who knows. Whatever, if it was a true story, I made it hotter.

Even though this story is pretty basic in nature, I found it to be erotic. Some of the things the subject does in this story, I have done, or thought of doing, so it is reasonably believable. See what you think. EW

Marriage Counseling Works His Cock Right Into My Wife

by Andrew six pack and EroticWriter

Hello. My name is Andy, and I am married to wonderfully beautiful Latina wife named Yvonne. We've been in love and married for almost 20 yrs now, and she is more beautiful today, than at any time in our marriage. I can't help but wanting to show her off to other men. She stands just over 5'tall with a body that was made to be admired!

Yvonne’s breasts are a beautiful full 34D cup, with a 25" waist and a beautiful round Latina butt. Men always stare at my wife in public, even just at the grocery store, etc. I have to admit that it turns me on to see men looking at her. She is very girly and loves her nails done, as well as the full head of hair she has.

I have done many things to have men look at her, such as take sexy pictures of her with our camera, then find ways to show other men. They always love looking at my wife in her sexy outfits, bras, panties, lingerie, and even nude. I try to get Yvonne to pose in many different ways, showing off all of her lovely attributes!

She allows me to take pictures of her, thinking that I may be the only who sees them, although I do tell her in bed, that other men love looking at her! She just smiles as I tell her what they said about her tits, and ass, her nicely trimmed and shaved pussy, and her whole package. I don't know if Yvonne believes me, but she does get turned on.

It is not hard to show off your wife's pictures, if you do it with men who like to look at beautiful sexy women, and most do! I've taken her pictures to different stores, when there is a man present behind the counter and I find ways to show her off.

Such as just in a tight outfit, I may let my wallet stay open, or I may ask their opinion on something about her picture. If they say she is really pretty, or sexy, etc., I tell them, oh, you think so too? Thank you, here look at her in her bikini, etc., and soon I’ve got them looking at her in her bra's, panties, and nude. It's very erotic, to see their reactions, some even grab at their crotch, they can't help it, and oh I don't blame them.

Well one day, as I went to play golf, just myself at a course about 20 minutes from my house, I waited for another single or up 3 players to arrive, so I could join them, and sure enough, another man, about my age, mid 40's came up to play alone, so the golf course grouped us together to shoot our round.

As we talked and played, the subject of wives came up and I told him, here look at a picture of my beautiful wife. As he did, he complimented her; she was in a tight top that accented her beautiful boobs and some tight jeans that fit snug against her. I enjoyed his comments about her and even felt my cock tingling as we talked about my wife.

Well as we played and of course talked about what our occupations were, I found out that Jim, that is his name, is a ****** counselor and therapist. I asked him if he counsels couples who have marital problems, etc., and he said he does, as well as many other issues.

I joked with him, asking if many sexy wives come in, he laughed, saying some do, and then I asked if he thought it was pretty normal if a husband is proud of his wife.

He said oh sure, but asked what I meant in particular. So I sort of hinted around that I like taking pictures of my beautiful wife, sexy pictures and well at times I feel the need to show them to other men.

Jim told me that can be quite normal and that perhaps he could give my wife and me a complimentary session on how to improve our relationship and have an even better marriage.

I asked him, “A better marriage? How would you do that?”

He said perhaps he could give us some pointers on intimacy, how to have a better sex life and ways in which to better express our feelings and desires with one another.

Although I told Jim we get along fine, the thought of him seeing my pretty wife in person and maybe talking sex really interested me. I thought it may turn me on so much, that late that night, I would think about it and fantasize on it as Yvonne and I made love!

Until now, no man had ever seen my wife exposed, her boobs and her fine ass for real. This is a chance, I was thinking, that maybe I could see a man seeing my beautiful wife, naked maybe. If it would cost me money, so what would it matter if my fantasy comes true.

In my mind I was thinking, maybe Jim will manage to get my wife to have sex with me, while he is watching.

I asked Jim how much he would charge for a counseling session and he laughed, saying no charge since we had met on the golf course, but since he needed to do this on his off hours he suggested a Saturday. I anxiously said that would be fine while breathing a sigh of relief that it will not cost any money.

Jim was a handsome fellow, a bit taller than me, with salt and pepper hair, and I told him that I would love to have him meet with my wife and me. He checked on his calendar on his phone, and had an opening for us the following Saturday morning at 11:00AM. We finished our round of golf, and I told him that I would speak to my wife Yvonne about it and we would see him then.

I have to admit, I was getting a bit worked up, as I told Yvonne about it later that night. She looked concerned and wondered why I would think that our marriage needed counseling. I had to reassure her that nothing was wrong but that I thought it might be nice to get a different perspective and maybe ‘put some spice in our life.’

She asked if I maybe had meant to say ‘put some spice in our sex life’ and wanting to not put her off I answered ‘that might end up being part of it’

My wife was reluctant but finally agreed to give it a shot. The thought of another man, about our age, looking at my wife and speaking to us about marriage and maybe intimacy within the marriage made me aroused.

We made love that night, and she was very happy that my cock was really hard, asking me why so hard, and I replied, oh getting a chance to show you off to another man is just wonderful. She just smiled, as she knows how proud I am of her.

Well Saturday finally rolled around so that morning, after we both had worked out, I saw Yvonne getting dressed, and that was nothing less than spectacular!

She put on a pair of shocking pink panties that I had purchased for her from Victoria’s Secret, as well as a pretty red push up bra. Over that she put on a tight top, some nice tight jeans, her boots, and she wore a purple sweater, she looked hot!

We drove over to Jim's office and it was actually located in his house. He had an office set up in a large room in his house. It was comfortable for couples he said, to have a home like feeling. He greeted me with a hand shake as well as shaking my wife's hand and smiling.

I noticed Jim look at Yvonne, up and down, and that just made me smile even more as Yvonne looked over at me as if saying ‘what gives with this guy?’

Jim said "Take a seat in front here," as we sank into a leather couch in front of his big mahogany desk. "Well Yvonne, did Andy tell you why you are here today?"

She replied, "Well yes, sort of. You are a marriage counselor and you help couples have even more enjoyable marriages, is that correct?"

He said, "That’s correct. Let’s begin by talking about Andy. It seems here that your husband sort of has a fetish that he shared with me."

My wife looked surprised, as did I, with him saying that. She said, "Oh, my husband has a fetish? What is it?"

"Well Yvonne, may I call you Yvonne?" Jim asked.

My wife politely said, "Of course."

"Well it seems that your husband is very proud of you and he enjoys seeing other men looking at you."

She just smiled and asked, "Well sure, I’ve always been aware of that and I think that's ok, just a compliment don't you agree?"

Well Jim stated, "Oh yes, it is very normal for a husband to be proud of such a lovely wife as you Yvonne, I couldn't agree more."

With that I smiled widely!

He told my wife, "You know, so that we can really see how much Andy likes showing you off, it would be ok if you made yourself a bit more comfortable."

"What do you mean," my wife asked, as I looked on and also was wondering?

"Well, for starters," Jim replied, "please take off your sweater, I mean; it's not cold in here."

She seemed a bit relieved and laughed and said, "Oh ok, I thought you meant something else,"

So, my wife removed her purple sweater and she was standing there, then she thrust her chest out with her arms back. You could really see the outline of my wife's boobs in her bra, under her tight top.

I noticed Jim admiring her with his eyes as she did. He smiled and said, "What did you think I meant, when I said get more comfortable Yvonne?"

She just smiled, and said "Oh nothing," and he replied, "Did you think I meant for you to take off more of your clothing?"

She gasped and looked at me, and I just sat there, not sure what to say, as my wife said, "Well no, of course not!"

Jim said, "You know, I think what is really going on with your husband is that he has these fantasies about you. If we really want to get to the bottom of this issue, I believe that it would be ok for you to do so. Take off your top Yvonne."

"Andy,” she said to me, ”can you believe this? We’ve just begun and… I mean, are you even a marriage counselor, asking a wife to take off her top on the first visit?"

I liked the idea and I interjected saying, "Oh honey, relax, Jim is just a marriage counselor, and he is only trying to help." I paused, “He probably does this all the time.”

I waved my arm around. “Just think of Jim as being like our ****** doctor.”

Looking around though as we had been sitting there all I could see on the wall were his College degrees in accounting. My wife is observant and I am sure she had noticed those degrees as well.

I am sure that upon seeing those accounting degrees but nothing in the area of maybe, psychology, she knew. We are being scammed by a man that probably wants to see her nudity.

But Yvonne was playing along, maybe out of curiosity or maybe to please me as she said, "Are you sure it's ok honey? This is sort of like me being an exhibitionist for two voyeurs, him and you."

I said, "Sure babe, I can see that look on Jim’s face. He loves this and I love seeing you that way too."

She hesitated a bit, and then she said, "Well ok, but I’m just doing this because he is a marriage counselor." I saw her eyes quickly scan the wall as if she was trying to find some proof that Jim is qualified as a counselor.,

I’m pretty sure at that point my wife knew, or suspected, but she was ‘playing dumb.’ Yvonne then stood up, and proceeded to pull her top up over head, being careful not to smudge her makeup or mess up her hair.

There she stood, in her red push up, that 34 full D cup bra, with those big beautiful boobs on display, all pushed up, with her nice cleavage showing.

Jim looked at her and to me and said, "Wow nice. So Andy, is this making you uncomfortable at all, me seeing your beautiful wife being exposed in her pretty red bra?"

I swallowed. "Well no, it's not," I replied. “It’s kind of exciting actually.”

Jim then said, "Well then, you won't mind if I ask Yvonne to take off her jeans too, right?"

I admit, I was a bit shocked, and I looked at my wife as she was shaking her head in the No position, but for some reason, all I could say was, "Well no Jim, I think that's a good idea. I mean you are a professional, so it must be just common practice."

She looked at me, with a bit of hesitancy, as Jim said, "Good. Yvonne, please remove your jeans for us."

She asked, "Now?" Jim nodded his head yes.

Yvonne just gave me a bit of a not sure look, but she sat there and she proceeded to take off her boots, she stood up, unbuttoned her jeans, then she looked at me with sort of an accusing look it seemed to me.

Then she said, "Are you sure this is OK Andy? I don’t know what you might be thinking. He’s a stranger and you want him to see me almost naked?”

I was about to make up some excuse when Jim answered for me.

“That’s his fetish, Yvonne,” Jim said, answering for me and getting me off the hook. “He wants to see you…no, make that see me as he watches me looking at you.”

Yvonne looked at me. “Is that true?”

I just nodded, yes, still in a bit of a trance while watching my pretty wife go on undressing here in front of me and this stranger as she pulled off her tight jeans and stepped out of them.

Jim looked on, as did I at my beautiful wife. She stood there, all five feet of her, with her wild dark hair, in just her pretty pink thong panties, her red push up bra, and her cotton socks on.

I have to admit, I could feel my penis stir in my pants as I looked at her.

Jim said, "So Andy how does this make you feel, your wife, standing here in her pretty bra and panties in front of me and showing so much of her body? Does it make you angry?"

I said, "No." Then I added, “She’s never done anything like this before.”

"Does it make you upset in any way?"

I said “No. I mean, there’s no reason for me to be upset since I, since we asked her to do it.”

“Can you feel your penis tingling, maybe growing a little? I know that mine is.”

Just as I was thinking it, he had just admitted what I wanted my wife to know. I looked over at my wife and saw that her mouth was opened in disbelief at what she is hearing.

“Yes. Yes,” I said excitedly as my face reddened and I felt my dick rise. “That’s exactly how I feel!”

"Ok, then. Let’s take this a bit further. I can see how the opening of her vagina, her slit, is showing as an outline in her panties.”

Not believing he had actually said that, I looked over at her to see what he was seeing, He was right, her panties were pulled up tight into her slit, and it really showed.

Jim asked, “Hearing that, do you feel at all jealous, that I can see your wife like this?”

“No, I’m not jealous. Actually it’s kind of exciting."

“Exciting,” Jim asked, “like in making you feel aroused?"

I looked at him and then back at my beautiful wife and I said, "Well yes it does arouse me for you to be seeing my wife like that, her slit."

“Yvonne, check out your husband’s trousers.”

She just sort of glanced down at the growing bulge in my trousers and smiled as she said with surprise, “This is arousing my husband! Imagine that.”

“Yes it is” Jim said, Then, sensing success, he took it further. "Yvonne, please turn around for us."

She said, "What? Why?" My wife knew that on the backside with that thong she was almost naked.

"Please do," is all Jim said,

So she turned around showing us the little pink thong, it just disappeared up into my wife's beautiful round ass. She has a full smooth Latina ass, it is a nice ass! I looked at her ass as I felt my penis getting harder and he told her, "please walk around the room a bit Yvonne, let us watch you."

Yvonne seemed a bit irritated by this, but she complied, walking around, looking at me and then Jim, and finally saying, "What does this have to do with our marriage?"

“It’s your husband Yvonne. He’s really turned on by this. Can’t you tell? Bringing your husband’s true feelings out into the open, that’s what it has to do with your marriage.”

He then told me, "Andy, this is what you enjoy right? Other men looking at, lets even say admiring your pretty little wife isn't it?"

"Well yes I admit, I don't know why, but it does turn me on."

"What turns you on Andy? Tell me, tell both of us."

"Well the fact that I am looking at my wife, my wife of 20 years so beautiful here in her bra and panties, and well, the fact that you are looking at her exposed body too! It's exciting to know that you are the only man ever to see her like this, and that my wife is allowing you to see her like this."

Then I added, as an afterthought: "And I like it knowing you can see her slit."

When I said that, I saw Yvonne look down at herself to see if her slit is showing. It was, of course and her face reddened a bit.

He then said to me "Andy, is your penis totally hard?"

He had asked a very personal question and named an intimate part of my body. I saw Yvonne looking at me with disbelieving eyes as I sheepishly, said, "Well I mean, yes, it is."

My bulge was much more noticeable now and I heard Yvonne gasp and saw her glance down at my crotch as he said, "I thought so."

Jim then looked at my wife and said, "Yvonne, this is just a treatment that is used when husbands enjoy other men looking at their sexy wives. It’s a form of voyeurism and it needed to be brought out into the open because his reaction is quite normal and well, really a compliment to you.”

My wife nodded, indicating that she was trying to understand,

Jim continued: “It is a fantasy that many husbands harbor within and I have found that it seems to improve the relationship with their wives if the fantasy is acted out until completion.”

‘Until completion,’ I asked myself? That would be going quite a ways. Again the thought hit me. 'Maybe he will manage to get my wife to have sex with me while he watches and makes suggestions.'

”Now I'll tell you what Andy, why don't you go and stand behind Yvonne."

Thinking, 'yes, this is what I want to do with him watching,' I got up and stood next to her, in front of Jim's big desk, as he politely said; ”now reach up and unhook your wife's bra.”

"What?" I said out loud, and pretending to be shocked. I was acting shocked, but I was happy while the thought hit me: 'He's going to have us do it! Fuck while he watches. He'll see me slipping my dick into her pussy and be seeing how nice it looks wrapped all tight like around my hard cock.'

If it was possible for my dick to get even harder, it was doing it now.

He said gently, “unhook and remove your wife's bra Andy so that you can see me looking at your wife’s naked breasts, breasts that you yourself will have willingly exposed for me."

Yvonne's face turned slightly red as she said, "Wait a minute Andy, being here in front of another man in my bra and panties is one thing, but to be topless, Andy, I don't know about that?"

I said to my lovely wife, “Oh babe, you are so beautiful and it turns me on greatly to see you like this, you know I love your tits, and I’ve always wanted to let a man, see another man looking at them. It’s part of my fantasy. What harm is there in letting another man see them?”

“Are you sure about this, Andy?” She was staring into my eyes.

I’m right here, protecting you. So please honey?"

She looked over at Jim and back to me and said, "Well, ok, I guess, its OK. as long as you are here" as I reached up and unhooked my wife's red push up bra, and grabbed the shoulder straps and removed my wife's pretty bra right over her head as she raised her arms for a split second.

I noticed from behind that she pulled her shoulders back to further enhance the look of her breasts. Suddenly, it seemed, the silence in the room was deafening.

I took immediate note that the red lines her bra had left on her body only drew attention to her now exposed breasts.

There she was, my innocent wife standing there with her magnificent boobs on display for Jim. Her boobs were sticking straight out with only a slight hang to them. My wife has spectacular boobs!

It couldn’t have been much more than ten minutes since we had entered his office and my wife was almost totally naked for him. At last, one of my fantasies about my wife is coming true.

Jim must have been reading my mind as he said to me, "This is a partial fulfillment of your fantasies Andy. Now tell your wife and admit it to her. I’m seeing them and I must say that your wife has beautiful tits!"

Instead of getting angry like maybe some husbands would I just beamed with pride after allowing this man to see my wife's beautiful naked boobs! I decided on my own to take this further. “You should see them when she raises her arms. Honey, raise your arms.”

She did, and when her arms went above her head my wife’s breasts rose way up as well, and they looked spectacular. I noticed that her nipples were now fully erect and it must have been from the excitement.

I also noticed a slight little funny smile on my wife’s face and knew she is enjoying this.

He said, "Those are fantastic. Andy come sit down again, I want you to unzip your pants"

"What” I thought? “Excuse me?" I asked. Inside, I was tremendously excited. Unzip my pants and soon maybe I will be fucking my wife while Jim makes marriage counselor suggestions.

"He said, "please unzip your pants, it's really no big deal, your wife is here in just her panties, so you unzip your pants. It’s not really a big deal since she has seen your penis erect many times. Now, I want her to see how aroused you are."

“Honey, my wife asked, “This is all going in one direction. Do you really want to show Jim your penis? What size you are, that's kind of a personal thing between a husband and wife. Is this supposed to be a sex counseling session or something? I don’t think, I didn’t think that we had any problems in that area.”

“Yvonne, I answered softly, “I don’t know for sure what this is. I’m learning just like you are, and this is very exciting. Jim, it seems, has me all figured out. Let’s just go along with Jim and see what happens.”

I felt my hand going down and unzipping my pants and he said, "That’s it Andy, go ahead and take your penis out so we all can see it."

I was already doing it as I pulled my rock hard cock out of my boxers, then my pants. There it stood at attention, all 6" of my medium-thick dick so hard, throbbing, and sticking straight out!

"Look at your husband's cock, Yvonne, looking so hard." (I noticed he called it my cock for the first time).

"Yes" she replied, "I see it," and for some reason, though it was my cock on display and Yvonne had seen it hundreds of times, it looked like my wife was embarrassed since her face had turned red,

"I’m glad for you Yvonne that your husband’s penis appears to be at least average-sized or larger. There was a possibility that it would be a little fellow and you might have been sexually frustrated as a result.

But it looks to be a fairly nice one. It's so stiff and erect isn't it?"

"Yes, it’s nice and it’s very stiff," my wife said as she eyeballed my cock. "I've always been happy with his penis, and how he uses it," she added.

'Now,' I was thinking, 'now he will have us starting to do the sex act.'

"So you've really been happy with his cock, so far?"

She looked funny at him. "So far? I'm not sure what you have in mind, but so far, yes, I'm very happy with his...his penis."

"Your husband is staying very aroused I see.

Andy,” he said, looking at me, “Something got you hard. Does it turn you on that I am looking at and seeing your sexy wife with her beautiful breasts exposed and just wearing her small pretty panties?"

"Yes" I replied. Inwardly I was thinking, 'he's going to be watching me fucking my wife, any minute now.'

“Well then Andy, you are aroused from knowing that I am seeing your wife almost fully exposed. Now, in order to make things equal I think it is time to get your wife aroused, so let’s have her be seeing this.”

Then he did something I had not been expecting or even thought about.

Jim moved his chair back away from his desk and stood up, revealing a big thick cock sticking through his opened pants. A cock that he had been stroking under his desk!

We stared in shocked silence as he said, "I imagine that this is part of your fantasy, to see how a man seeing your wife’s naked tits would affect him."

He squeezed his cock and shoved it further forward in order to better display it. "See what your wife does to me too? Oh she is truly beautiful Andy!"

"Wow," I heard my wife say.

Yvonne was staring directly and open-mouthed at what she later told me is the biggest, most beautiful cock that she had ever seen, outside of some adult movies that she has watched with me. It was about 8 ½" long and nearly as thick as her wrist. and with a knob almost as big as my fist.

“See the way your wife is staring at my cock, Andy. Does it excite you to imagine in your mind what she might be thinking?"

I was excited yes, but also, worried. This was not turning out the way I had hoped. I tried to hide my feelings of jealousy and insecurity.

“She is staring. I had always wondered how my wife might react to seeing something like that.”

She was staring, but I was staring just as much, maybe more.

He was stroking his cock back and forth slowly and as we watched we could see how his thickish foreskin would cover and then uncover that fat head. I was finding it interesting that my wife, instead of acting embarrassed and looking away, was still staring.

Then he proceeded to cuckold he, and surprisingly, it more aroused me than offended.

“Andy, it is readily evident that my penis is much larger than yours. Do you find it arousing knowing that your wife is staring at my big cock and maybe wondering what it would feel like inside her?”

‘What it might feel like inside her?’ Jim had brilliantly, in one stroke, planted that thought in both me and my wife’s head. I don't know what made me say it, but I readily agreed with him that my wife might be wondering about how his big cock would feel.

“That’s what she is probably thinking Jim, especially when my cock is out and right here for her to be making comparisons.”

I heard my wife let out a soft gasp when she heard me admit that what he was saying is true, that she is comparing. She had an idea now. If she wants to fuck him, it might be alright with me.

He knew he had her right then as he grinned proudly and said to my wife, "Andy likes the fact that you are staring at my cock. Are you feeling aroused Yvonne?”

She was honest. “I was getting there before, and now…now that you’ve stated it out loud, yes, yes I am!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing my wife say. She is turned on to Jim now instead of me. It was strange, but hearing Jim bringing my cock down compared to his was...arousing. Then he added more fuel to the fire I suspected was starting to burn in my wife.

“Can you see the vast difference in size between your husband’s average-size penis and the one I am stroking?”

Jim had placed his hand back on his cock and was stroking slowly, but keeping his hand down low at the base of his cock so none was hidden from her view.

Yvonne cleared her throat nervously as she glanced over at my cock and back to his. “Yes. The difference is very obvious.”

“Are you thinking, Yvonne, that this thick cock of mine might end up going inside you?”

With that question, Jim had jumped way ahead of where my mind was.

Now my wife looked nervous and sort of stuttered as she glanced over at me. “That going inside me? I…I don’t know…”

Her face red, she sort of giggled and said, “In any case, I’m not sure how my taking that, if I could, would be helping out our marriage?” She glanced over at me, her face looking confused. "I mean, like, me having another man...?"

I realized at that moment, Jim is soon going to be fucking my wife because she has answered his question with a question instead of saying a flat out ‘no.’

He smiled. “It may help, because although your husband has not said so right out, though he has not told me so, I would bet that seeing another man inside you who is more fully, more deeply and more intimately knowing and enjoying your body is part of his fantasies.”

He had just stated that if he fucks my wife, that he will be knowing her more fully, more deeply and more intimately than me. Surely she will defend my honor, or protest, or something. But instead, my wife glanced over at me, and when I made no visible protest, she knew that he was correct.

Actually, I was too surprised to voice any protest, if I had one, which I don't think I had now.

“You know, don’t you Yvonne, you’ve heard stories about big cocks? You might have lived a sheltered life, but I would bet you have heard the stories. Maybe you’ve even heard it from a girlfriend, how a big cock like my cock will probably feel very good, very exciting, and I would bet more enjoyable than your husband’s much smaller organ.”

Besides his saying his cock would feel better than mine, there was one other significant thing Jim had said: ‘My cock will feel better, not might. Jim had already said that his cock will be inside her.

I could see my wife’s’ eyes opened wide in surprise and maybe…excitement.

"Please sit down Yvonne," as he stood up and walked to the front of his desk. I was surprised at how readily my wife complied with his ’command.’ He is in control of my wife now, I realized.

Now, as Jim stood near me, his rigid penis was within touching distance of her. All she needed to do is reach out.

He told her, "Yvonne, I want you to pull down your panties for me now."

My heart leaped. 'If she does that, she is getting ready to allow Jim to fuck her.'

She looked from him to me and back again. As she looked at our faces she also glanced down at our cocks, and I knew she was again making comparisons since we were standing almost side-by-side...

I think he planned it that way, for us to be side-to-side. A direct comparison.

My wife hooked her fingers into the band of her panties, then hesitated. I think, stalling for time, her voice trembled. “You two…you two men look so different with your cocks pointing at me like this,”

“Yes Yvonne,” Jim said softly. You get an up close and visual comparison between us. Now tell us, tell us both what you can see about our cocks.”

He wanted her to say it, out loud and in front of me.

She turned red. “Like you said Jim, your cock is much larger.”

It worked, based on the way my wife was studying the two of us. She had already said she could see the difference, but he had wanted her, apparently, to repeat it.

Then she looked over at me and back at Jim. “Is this part of my husband’s fantasy, or yours,” my wife asked as she continued to study our cocks, but mostly his.

“I think maybe both,” Jim replied. “Now Yvonne, it's time. Off with the panties.”

She didn't question it this time. Yvonne stood without protest at his touching her as he put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face me, and my wife began to pull down her panties.

There she stood at last, my beautiful little wife, fully naked in front of another man! And with his cock just inches away.

This was all going so fast and happening so smoothly that it seemed my wife could not wait to see what will happen next. I was almost in disbelief as I watched her. She was putting up far less resistance than I would have thought.

Jim was still using the pretense of his being a marriage counselor to let this happen. I say 'pretense' because we all knew that was the case. But it was working, because my wife was going along with all his suggestions.

He then said to me, "Andy, since Yvonne is completely nude, now let’s have you take off all your clothes and get naked too."

Without further delay I stood up and took off all of my clothes, and soon my wife and I were both fully naked there in Jim's office.

He said, "This is going great, a wonderful counseling session, now it's my turn, you see, it's best if all are completely naked!"

As my wife and I stood there, I could see my wife excitedly watching as he stripped. Jim took off all of his clothing, exposing a muscular upper torso, and there was that huge pussy pleasing cock sticking straight out!

Some of it had been concealed in his pants before, and now every inch was fully exposed for the first time. It looked even more impressive with those huge balls dangling below.

Hard Cock Erection Naked.jpg

Again there were comparisons to be made. Our balls, like our cocks, were quite different in size, with Jim's looking the size of baseballs.

He told me, "Please sit down, as a matter of fact, Andy, do you see that chair over there in the corner, next to the fireplace?"

"Yes" I replied.

"You have fantasies that need to be addressed and it’s time for some advanced counseling with your wife, so I want you to go sit over there please." he said again. I knew, and I am sure Yvonne knew, that he is getting me out of the way so he can do with my wife as he pleases.

I knew now. He had planned it this way from the beginning. His marriage counseling would be his fucking my wife, while I watch. I wanted this, and I didn't, but for some reason, I could not say No.

My wife, my lovely and faithful wife of twenty years, is about to her her vagina modified and stimulated by the introduction of a penis so much larger than mine, and I somehow, could only watch and anticipate, and with excitement as well as trepidation.

I did as I was told as I looked at my pretty wife, sitting there looking naked and vulnerable with her tits hanging so nicely on the chair. He then stood right in front of Yvonne, his big cock inches from her face and he asked her, "Yvonne, this is partly for your husband and partly for you. Do you like what you see?"

She didn't say a word, so he moved himself forward and right there as I watched from that chair in the corner of his office he placed his big mushroom cock head against my pretty wife's full pink lips.

She didn't say anything as he started to push his hips forward and I saw my wife open her mouth, wider and wider and soon the entire head of his cock was inside of Yvonne’s wet and warm mouth.

More proof of what I had been thinking. If she is sucking him, she’ll soon be fucking him. I knew deep in my heart that once that cock is in my wife’s married pussy our relationship will be altered forever, and I was hoping, for the better.

"Mmmmmmmm" I heard him moan, as I watched Jim reach down and start to play with my wife's big tits. My hand instinctively went right for my harder smaller dick and I don't know why, but I began to masturbate.

He looked over and said, "That's it Andy, explore your feelings, doesn't it feel good to be playing with your cock while your wife plays with mine?"

While keeping his cock in her mouth, my wife turned to look, and her eyes widened at seeing me stroking my hard cock. She knew then and there that I was very aroused at seeing her with Jim and prepared for whatever else would go down.

I didn't say a word, neither did Yvonne as Jim sort of leaned forward and placed his hand between my wife's slightly open legs as she sat on the chair, and as she opened her legs wider he said to me, "Oh my Andy, your wife's vagina is soaking wet!"

"She must be very turned on then, if she's soaking wet." I had said it like I was seeing and hearing it for the first time, my wife is soaking wet.

Yep. like I said, if she is sucking him, she’ll be fucking him, and allowing Jim to feel her wet pussy is a step in that direction.

She closed her eyes as she felt his hand on her wet cunt, and then he said, "That's quite normal, as she's a healthy sexy wife. Andy, watch as she sucks my cock, watch as your pretty little horny wife sucks my big dick Andy."

With those words, oh my head was spinning, is this really happening? Is my little wife, really sucking this man's big cock in front of me? That is what I was thinking.

This had gone so easy for him. He meets me. Has me bring my conservative (I thought) wife over while he pretends to be something he’s not, and just like this my beautiful wife is sucking him in preparation for the fuck that will certainly come next.

I had met her. Gotten her to go out with me. Finally, after two or three dates, managed to get some feels on her. Then, after a couple of months, more. All this after much time and money spent turning her on to me, to trust me, to want me, to give in and satisfy me, and herself in the process.

All that, and Jim had done none of it. All he had done is invite us over and talk.

She opened her eyes, and then Yvonne moaned and started to suck even more enthusiastically! She placed her soft little hands, both of them on his cock, and she began to move her hands back and forth, stroking his manhood as she allowed him to piston his dick in and out of her welcoming mouth!

I could see that, even with her mouth fully covering his head, that there was still room for both her hands to wrap around his shaft.

He smiled, looking down, gently caressing my wife's wild hair; he started to make love to her mouth. He said, to me, "Fuck Andy, she's a terrific cocksucker, your wife is sucking my cock so nicely, and this must make you so proud to be seeing this!"

I nodded that I was indeed…proud.

“No, don't just nod. Say it out loud Andy. She can’t see you with her mouth full.”

“Yes…" I raised my voice. "Yes Jim, It makes me proud to see my wife sucking your cock so…so lovingly.”

Then Jim added more, which added to the erotic aspects of what was happening. ”I feel it is good that my cock is so much larger for her than yours. It adds to and goes along with your fantasies, isn’t that true Andy?”

I nodded, and then spoke out loud so Yvonne would hear. “Yes…yes it does. I’ve always wondered how the woman I love would react to being with a well-hung man and she loves your big cock it looks like.”

"How does her pussy feel to you, Andy, when you fuck it. Does it feel snug around your cock, or loose?"

"She usually feels tight, though sometimes I had thought that she might be capable of stretching out more if she had too."

"That is what I am thinking Andy, that your wife might have a need to feel truly filled inside, to be stretched and see, exactly, how much she can take. What do you think, about that, Andy?"

Going along, my cock dripping, I nodded. "Yes, I think that is exactly what she needs to know, if she can take and needs more."

“Look at how big my cock looks Andy. She has my head completely within her warm mouth, two hands around the shaft, and there’s still some left over.”

“Yes. Yes I can see that,” I said excitedly!

He looked down at Yvonne. ”Do you love my big cock Yvonne, your husband needs to know?”

She never quit sucking, my wife. Instead she moved her eyes in my direction while nodding her head enthusiastically up and down while keeping Jim’s member in her warm and wet mouth.

I was beating off to the rhythm at which Jim was fucking my wife's pretty face, she was moaning, and she reached down, and my pretty wife, started to rub her pussy, she was masturbating her cunt as she sucked Jim's big cock!

He then held her head, and pulled her back as he pulled his cock out of her mouth, stood her up and began to suck my wife's tits. I was jacking off and watching as this man sucked my wife's big beautiful tits, right in front of me!

He held them in his hands, both of them as he jiggled and bounced them, playing with them, my wife's big beautiful boobs!

He then stood her up and put his hands on her round ass, squeezing my wife's nice ass, I watched as he squatted and put my wife's ass right in his face!

He actually buried his face in her hot ass! I could hear him sniffing her butt, as he began to plant wet kisses all over her round ass, and then he started to suck on my wife's ass cheeks, sucking them right there!

He then stood her up and looked at her, and said, "I have to lick your pussy, Yvonne," he blurted out!

I know how much that drives my wife wild, so he took her by her hand, and laid her naked body down on the fur rug right in front of his fireplace. They were close to the chair that I was sitting in as he moved my wife over on top of him in the 69 position!

This was happening so fast. Jim it seemed had total control over both of us. His big cock was sticking up in her face and her pussy was on his face. He then grabbed my wife's ass and he opened her with his fingers and began to suck her cunt from behind.

I could hear my wife moan loudly as he lapped at her cunt then he moved his tongue up and began to lick out my wife's little asshole! Oh, I thought as she closed her eyes, feeling him licking out her wet asshole, she was going wild, I know because she loves it when I lick out her butthole at home!

She looked up at me, with a look of pure fuck lust, she saw me there jacking off, watching her, and she gave me a wink and a smile, and then again put her mouth around his big cock.

I knew what she must be thinking, that I am being so nice and understanding as she prepares to be fucked by a cock so much larger than mine. At least I hoped that is what she is thinking.

My pretty wife started to suck his cock again, he moaned this time as she did, she moved his cock to the side and I watched as my wife started to lick his big balls, his balls were like tennis balls, so big, she licked all over them, as her soft hand massaged his massive prick!

I thought to myself: ‘Oh my wife looks like such a sexy hot cunt wife!’ I was so proud of her!

Yvonne then stopped and she stood up, even before Jim could say a word, with her legs on each side of his legs, she looked at me, said, "Oh Andy, I can't wait any longer. Jim and I want you to watch me fuck him! I'm going to quit playing this game and ride his big cock, and you are going to watch me!"

Wow! Instant change, No more pretense at counseling, my wife is telling me what she wants.

Jim no longer needed to do his ‘counseling.’ Now it was my wife. She was making the suggestions, and telling me instead of asking. Because she seemed to want Jim so bad, now I was feeling apprehensive.

Since my wife seemed to be so anxious to fuck this man, I suddenly felt a rush of jealousy. I tried to give her an ‘out,’ if she needed it. Also, I wanted to add to the sense of eroticism that is filling the room.

“But baby. Are you sure you can take his big cock? You’re so small down there. I don't want it to hurt.”

“I sure plan to find out what it's like to be stretched,” Yvonne replied. “This beautiful cock is how Jim helps couples with their marriage, right, Jim?” She was staring into Jim’s face now.

I looked at Jim. He had a huge smile on his face as he answered. “Never fails.”

“I’ll bet there were times Jim, when you’ve given wives their first orgasms ever in front of their husbands, haven’t you," she asked?

“Yes I have, on two occasions.”

"How did those husbands feel about that? Were they like my husband seems to be?"

Jim smiled. "One husband got mad when I made his wife cum for the first time, and the other husband thanked me."

“Well, cumming with my husband isn’t my problem but here’s another question for you: Do you also make men’s wives have their most intense orgasms in front of their husbands?”

Oh fuck. I knew now where my wife is going with this line of questioning. She is not only going along with all that Jim wants, but she is going to put me down it sounds like.

“Yes Yvonne. That’s usually the case, when their husband happens to be much smaller, such as Andy here, those wives definitely have their most intense orgasms ever with me.”

Yvonne turned her head to look at me. “Would that be part of your fantasy, Andy, for me to cum more intensely with Jim than I have ever cum with you?”

I was wounded but also excited as I nodded and they both could probably see the excitement in my eyes. “Yes. Yes it would.”

“Well, now it’s our turn I guess,” Yvonne positioned herself over him, and then she began her descent!

As her tight lips opened and started to embrace that fat head, Jim saw my look of panic and decided to include me as he said, "Wait a second Yvonne. This is a big event and we need to include your husband in this.”

Yvonne looked frustrated at having been stopped so suddenly, before she had been fully opened. Rising back up off his head, she went along. “OK,”

"Andy, come here and watch from up close as I guide my big cock into your wife's wet pussy hole!”

I moved in close. I had no idea it would feel so exciting to be watching as his big pole pointed up and his massive cockhead was at the entrance of my wife's tight little vaginal opening!

“Andy…” Jim began, “I have a better idea. I am sure this would be part of your fantasies. Perhaps you might enjoy holding my cock straight up so your wife can aim herself onto it.”

“Oh yes!” Jim must have known how much I wanted to feel that monster of a cock in my hand before it goes into my wife. And with that I wrapped four fingers and a thumb partially around his very warm shaft. I say ‘partially’ since they wouldn’t fit all the way.

Jim knew. “Now Andy, tell your wife what you are thinking as you hold my cock and make it ready for her.”

I said out loud what I was thinking, because I wanted my wife to hear it. “Oh honey, his cock is bigger around than my fingers and it feels so hot and thick and long in my hand. It’s the kind of cock I always wished I had. I just know you’re going to love it.”

She answered with just one word. “Yes.” Then she expressed some concern. “Andy, are you sure you want to see this? Our marriage will be altered, perhaps forever.”

My voice quivered as I answered honestly. “I’m jealous of that cock baby and of how much you might enjoy it, but no way do I want this to stop.”

Still holding Jim's cock I came over to her with my upper body and gave her a peck on the lips. “I wouldn’t be so cruel as to deny you this pleasure.”

“OK Andy, thank you. In that case I plan to do some fucking like I’ve never done before."

That kind of threw me, how my wife knew she was going to do some fucking like never before since she had not as yet sampled his meat inside her. But I guess she sensed, somehow, that she will be able to handle him.

Jim laughed, but softly. “Nothing is better for ****** therapy than having a wife who can be completely open and honest with her husband.”

Then Jim looked at me.

“Andy, now we know you are normal in one aspect.”

“How’s that,” I asked as I stroked his hard cock and marveled at the feel of so much warm meat in my hand?

“You have started feeling my cock before it goes into your wife. Most of the other husbands I have counseled with their wives acted in a similar fashion.”

That was when my wife joined in. "Those husbands all had smaller cocks, didn't they?"

Jim beamed. "None came close to me."

“And when those husbands grabbed your cock, did those wives do this?”

Trembling slightly, my hot and sexy little wife began to lower herself onto his big shaft. I could see her round ass, so nicely, as her cunt lips came into contact with his pussy pleaser. His cockhead looked massive against my wife's small wet pussy.

I could see that her cunt lips already looked swollen, and then they stretched wide open as his cock began to disappear. As I slid my hand down and then off his cock it began to disappear up into my wife's hot wet married vagina!

"Yes Yvonne," Jim said with a laugh, "that is exactly how most of them acted."

My wife was moaning as she enveloped his massive penis.

This was it, that moment when my marriage would be changed forever. My wife was on another man. For the first time a strange cock is going into her married pussy, and that cock is huge.

Besides that, their eyes were fixed on one another. My wife, I could see, is totally involved with Jim. Totally involved and they haven’t even started the real fucking yet!

My wife’s most intimate flesh was clasping, clutching and clinging tightly to his most intimate flesh as I saw her lips stretch the widest, and then close in a little as his head popped through and her vagina closed down over the first section of shaft.

With the head fully in she already was taking maybe four inches with way more to go. My beautiful wife moaned and almost whimpered as it began to go deeper. I had used a couple of dildos on her in the past, both a bit larger than me, but they didn’t match what Jim was offering. She had never felt anything so huge go inside of her pussy before, she later told me!

That’s true. I had thought those dildos, being a little larger than me, would excite her, but even though she had readily orgasmed with them, Yvonne had always insisted that my live and real penis felt better to her.

Of course I had always wondered about that because I had seen the smile on her face as I worked those dildos into her, and especially the one that was a little thicker. She would cum quickly and intensely with that thicker dildo, usually faster than she does with me, then after, smile at me and say it was not as good as the real thing, my cock.

Today was different however. This dildo she was somehow taking was not only large, but very large and warm and alive as well.

She said out loud "Oh fuck Jim, your cock is so big and it feels really great inside me!" as she lowered her twat down further and further until she was sitting on him.

Sitting on his cock! Buried she was, and using the weight of her body to press down and get as much of his cock into herself as possible. “Oh Jim you beautiful man with the big prick. Thank you for exposing it for me. You feel absolutely wonderful in me.”

I think, for a little while there, Yvonne had forgotten me. Jim took time to correct that.

“Talk to your husband Yvonne, help him with his fantasies.”

Then her talking about this went from ‘it’ to ‘he’ as she began addressing her husband.’ “Andy, he’s so big, so thick, and it’s so good this deep. I can feel him stretching me all along the walls of my cunt.”

I had never heard my wife say the ‘C’ word before. Matter of fact, she had always disliked that word.

“You said ‘cunt.’ He’s stretching the walls of your cunt?” I needed to hear her say it again, that vulgar name for her most intimate part. I knew that if she used it now, the 'C' word, that I would always be able to use it in the future.

It's a dirty sounding word, I have to admit, but saying it out loud could also make a good fuck a lot more exciting I guessed.

“Yes Andy my cunt. He’s filling my cunt to the brim!” She giggled and added; “With him!”

She looked up at me as she wriggled her ass from side-to-side and said: "He’s so deep in me. Far deeper honey than I’ve ever felt you go. I want you to share in this. Kiss me, Oh come here and kiss me Andy!

I’m so close. When you kiss me, I’m going to let it go Andy. I already know, I’m about to have my first orgasm with him and it’s going to be my most intense orgasm ever, and you get to help!"

I did. I started to French kiss my wife with our tongues dancing and she started to ride! I kissed my beautiful wife as she fucked his cock!

“Andy,” my wife cried out, “Do you remember us being in bed together and me once telling you that the size of a man’s cock probably has nothing to do with how good he can fuck?”

“Yes. Yes I do remember that conversation we had, just rambling after making love one time.”

“Well Andy, I was wrong. Now that I'm finally having another man, I know now, it does make a difference.”

Then with a loud groan, she started to cum. My wife actually started crying I think, because I felt tears on her cheeks.

I pulled back and watched, fascinated at seeing my wife having an orgasm around another man’s cock. Her face was red, her chest heaving, and down below I could see that her inner lips had turned red from increased blood flow.

Also I could see, my hot wife had broken out in a sweat on her lower back. Then I noticed that at her anus, she was twitching as the orgasm spread throughout her body.

Finally, she quit gasping and was able to speak.

“Oh Andy. This marriage counseling is working out better than I imagined. I didn’t know it could feel like this. I can feel every inch of him all along my pussy. Oh gawd yesssss thank you Andy for bringing me here.”

She was bouncing up and down on Jim and kissing me with so much passion, it made my own dick throb even more!

My wife was gasping but she somehow managed to get it out between kissing me. “Andy, there’s no doubt. This marriage counseling is already helping our marriage in a big way, and I’m letting my feelings come out so Jim can better aid in our counseling!”

My little wife could have been an actress she was so good in her role.

I happened to glance at Jim and he winked at me. I returned his wink with a smile.

“Is watching me on him helping you my love like it is doing so well for me?”

“Yes baby,” I answered. “This is the fulfillment of my fantasies.”

She was gasping. “Does…before today did your fantasy include me having another man’s body totally against mine and me having a big cock like this inside me?”

“Yes, I had not planned this for today, but my fantasies always had you with a man larger than me, but I never fantasized that the man would be that big, as big as Jim. I didn’t think you would like or could take one that size.”

“Well, I do like it and I’m so glad it turned out like this. Thank you for allowing this to happen.”

It didn't take long for her to start to cum again and when Yvonne cums, she cums hard! She broke our kiss and said out loud "Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes!! Oh Andy please don’t be mad. Just like the first time I’m going to cum so hard.

Mmmmmmmm mmmmm yes oh this cock is so good, so wonderful, oh Fuck me Jim, Fuck me!"

Never before, in all the years of our marriage, had my wife been so vocal in bed.

As Jim raised his hips off the bed to aid in my wife’s craving for more depth, Yvonne seemed to go wild, maybe even lose control. Then she leaned her head down and tried kissing Jim as best she could between her gasping and moaning.

My wife is kissing a man who 30 some minutes ago had been a total stranger. Yes, kissing, and fucking. I’m not sure which was affecting my thinking more.

Then she did something she had never done before. Maybe it was because Jim was touching her G spot, something I had never done before with my cock, and she squirted!

As she started to squirt I looked back and I could see my wife's cunt juices started to drip from her pussy with his cock in her hole. At that point I couldn't take it any longer and I began to jack off hard and fast then I shot off too!

Aiming right into the center of her ass crack I shot my hot load on my wife's upraised ass and my last two went below, one landing on Jim’s balls and the other on the rug.

I was about to apologize for cumming on Jim’s balls as Jim said, "Oh fuck baby, that's so hot! I felt some of your husband’s hot cum land on my balls and now, here it comes!"

As Jim started to flood my wife's vagina with his cream too he said: "Take it, oh take it Yvonne, take my hot cum up into your tight pussy!"

I waited and watched, barely able to breathe as Jim blasted his load deep, oh so deep into her womb. Then, finally, it looked like his orgasm had subsided.

"When she came, she squirted," I said, my voice probably sounding surprised.

"I did," my wife asked, surprised that it had happened?

Jim seemed to sense it right away. "Is that the first time she ever squirted?"

"Yes, far as I know, her first time with a cock." I didn't mention our dildoes.

"That's happened before, a couple of times with other men's wives."

Then Yvonne, smiling, asked. "Were you doing marriage counseling with them too, when it happened?"

"Yes, and the funniest thing happened, the wives thanked me, but not the husbands."

"I can understand that," my wife answered as she leaned down to kiss Jim.

"I...I guess then, in that case, I'll be the first husband to thank you for making my wife squirt."

"That's great, Andy. Now I know that my counseling is really helping out in your marriage."

With that we all felt so good, and so nice, since the fire was on, we all laid there on the fur rug, my wife locked in his arms while I lay beside them and with Jim telling us, "See how great marriage counseling can be?"

We all smiled and with that he said, "Now we are going to set up weekly sessions where you and Yvonne come back, and we’ll get together and have this type of counseling on a continuous basis. Is that ok?"

I looked at my beautiful wife and she said, "Oh yes I'd really like that Andy, I already feel much closer to you. I know you would like more of these sessions too!" As I smiled at her we kissed.

Watching us kiss made Jim's big cock start to get very hard again and Yvonne said to me, "Andy, can I have just one more time with his cock as you watch, before we go honey, please please?"

Yvonne had said ‘please please?’ with her voice kind of high pitched like a little girl. She sounded so cute at that moment no way could nor would I deny her.

I said “Of course babe cause I love you!"

She replied "I love you too babe!"

With that being said he stood my wife up and told me to lean back against the sofa, as I did he placed her open legs over my head as she leaned into the sofa with her ass up and he got behind her and pushed that big cock into my wife's wet open hole as I sat under her.

She was moaning as he said, “lick her cunt clean Andy, and lick your wife's clit as I fuck her from behind."

I began to lick her cunt and tasted cum as he fucked her, and she started to go wild!

My tongue was moving along the sides of his shaft now as he made thrusting movements while I licked the sides of his dick. She was moaning and yelling like I've not heard from her before. As Jim fucked my wife, I licked his dick and played with my cock, we were all getting pleased!

Soon Yvonne began to buck her hips and as she was cumming again, she began to squirt! It was happening easy for her now. Though my wife had never squirted with me, with my cock, she had on a couple of occasions squirted when I had used that thicker of two dildos on her.

He pulled out and allowed my wife to squirt on my face! All of her hot, wet, beautifully scented, pussy juices, mixed with his cum from their previous fuck flowing and squirting on my face! It was incredibly awesome!

After she came hard, he turned my wife around, laid her down spread eagle, and he began to fuck Yvonne in the missionary position. Total body contact between them now, full length. Possession.. Jim was taking possession of my wife in the missionary position as they worked their lower halves together and stared into each other’s eyes...

This time they were kissing passionately as Jim continued to work on re-arranging and molding my wife’s married pussy to permanently fit his cock. His ass looked so nicely shaped and firm as he used it to pleasure my wife with that fantastic cock.

My wife had her legs up around his waist and was somehow still managing to take his full length. I could hear what sounded like pubic bones slamming together. Jim was fucking her hard, thrusting in and out of her cunt hole until he said "Fuck you’ve got a great pussy baby. You’re so tight.

I’m using my thick cock on you Yvonne and the way you are being stretched, your husband I’m sure, has never felt the incredible tightness from you that I am enjoying. He’ll never know you like I know you at this moment.”

In a way, Jim was putting me down, but I didn’t mind because what he was saying fitted perfectly into my fantasies.

“Yes, yes,” my wife was gasping. “It’s the same for me! I’ve never felt anything like this before!” Then she groaned loudly. “Jim, oooh Jim, here it comes, oh fuck I'm cumming again!"

"I'll be right behind you baby, in just a minute..."

I was surprised when he pulled out right in the middle of his orgasm and began to shoot his cream all over my wife's big tits! Even though he had just shot off earlier, Jim still had a nice sized load to coat my wife's big tanned brown boobs with!

As I watched, Yvonne started giggling and using both hands to rub his cream all over her breasts and those hard nipples.

I was throbbing hard at that point, so I moved between her legs and took his place. As I laid my body onto my wife, flattening her breasts between us and smearing Jim’s cum onto my chest, my cock sank very easily into Yvonne’s hot, wet, used, open fuck hole.

Even though I couldn’t really feel the sides it still felt so good! She now had this strange wetness inside. Jim’s cum was completely coating my cock and I didn’t care.

She might have been lying but my wife said it. “Oh Andy, your cock still feels so good, even after me taking Jim so wide and deep.”

She felt loose to me, so I know I must have been feeling small to her now. Still, it was nice that she said it in front of Jim.

Her pussy was drenched with Jim’s and her juices. I leaned down and began to suck my wife's big tits and tasting Jim's cum on them as I began pistoning my hard cock in and out of her fucking twat!

I felt her, I thought it was her at first and then I realized it was Jim. Jim was gently holding my balls up and out of the way and watching the action up close as I fucked my wife.

“I can tell by the feel of my fingers. She's stretched and you’re barely tugging at your wife’s lips at the moment. Want me to tighten her up for you,” he asked?

“Tighten her? How Jim? She feels all stretched out now from your cock, but I still like it.””

“Like this.” Then Jim slid a wet finger alongside my shaft and into Yvonne. Yes, it tightened things up and felt very erotic as my wife gasped.

Then I gasped as well as Jim slid another wet finger into my ass, an inch at first, and then more.

Yvonne had not seen what is happening, but she sensed something. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Jim replied with a snicker. I have my finger in his ass is all.”

“Your finger’s in my husband’s ass? Did you wet your finger first?”

“Yes Yvonne, with some of your pussy juice.”

“Oh. I’ll bet that feels good.”

“It does,” I responded with a gasp.

I didn't hold out long, as I was so excited. I don’t know how much noise I was making as I too shot off again, burying my own seed deep into my wife’s well fucked pussy! The fact his finger was in my ass added to my orgasm as I felt my balls being sucked dry.

“Andy,” Jim said as I finished pumping. “I could feel your cock throbbing alongside my finger, both of them actually. I counted nine strong throbs. A pretty good one for you, I think. You probably don’t have any cum left in those balls I’d bet.”

“Yes,” I responded weakly as I stared down into my wife’s eyes. “Your counseling session worked. That orgasm was a very good one, maybe my best.”

Yvonne giggled. “Honey, Jim, because your finger tightened things, I felt them too. My husband came really hard.”

Just like that, in such a short interval of time, Jim had earned the moniker ‘Honey’ from my wife.

Jim wasn’t kidding. I felt really drained like never before.

It appeared that Jim had found a way to induce some compensation into our lovemaking to make up for the way he was stretching my wife out.

“Do you both feel that your marriage has taken a new turn, and towards the better?”

“Oh yes,” we both answered in unison, and then we laughed.

“Next session,” Jim began, “I’ll be getting it all on video while your wife sucks my cock in the first part of our session, and I want you to help her out Andy. You both can be sharing my cock with your mouths.”

Yvonne looked hesitant. “Getting it on video?”

“Yes,” Jim answered confidently. It’s standard practice to record marriage counseling sessions for later review and suggestions for improvement.”

“Yes, I see.” With that, my wife had given permission for our future fuck sessions to be recorded.

I said something maybe stupid as I agreed. “May we give it a try now, just for a minute to see what it’s like?”

“Both of you? Yes, of course. Here you go Andy, a little sample of things to cum.” Jim moved his cock to my lips and as I opened wide, Yvonne quickly moved into place to join in. We sucked, taking turns on that head. Jim grew, fast and hard.

As I moved my wife’s head out of the way with mine and suddenly feeling very excited at sucking a cock for the first time, I did everything I could think of, running my tongue all around and even using my teeth lightly to give him additional sensations.

Then I tasted it as I felt Jim’s pre-fluid, gallons it felt like, dribbling into my mouth.

“Yes Andy, I can see that you enjoy sucking my magnificent manhood. Now, place both mouths on at the same time. Go on, there’s room for both.”

We did, and Jim was right as we both sucked that cock while running our tongues around the head and meeting up in the middle. Our eyes met, and my love for my wife grew even stronger as we shared that beautiful cock. I think she too, she was feeling more love for me than before.

“That’s enough,” Jim said loudly as he removed his fat dick from our hungry mouths. “We must save it for the next session.”

“Yes, we must,” my wife answered as she turned her head slightly to the left and allowed our tongues to intermingle. ”The next session. I’m looking forward to it.”

Jim looked at me. “Andy, you look disappointed, why is that?”

“I was waiting for, looking forward to feeling your cum shooting in my mouth,” I looked over at my wife, “In both our mouths.” My wife nodded.

“Next time Andy, we'll start out that way first, when I haven’t already shot a load so you’ll be sure to get a real mouthful.”

That was so nice, so hot, and so erotic! We loved it! Now we both look forward to our marriage counseling sessions with Jim! I would recommend this to any husbands who have fantasies about their hot, sexy wife!

Bring another man into your relationship and see how your wife reacts. Have a big cock on him you can both share and it will really spice things up.

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