Ch. 14 Daybreak

The Percheron was more than a little cozy with all five women in it. Eve elected to remain on the floor, comfortably tucked between Carmine's legs while the others enjoyed the bench seat. “How we doin’ on smokes? I lost my case somewhere in the fighting.”

Carmine shook her head and shrugged, “The packs I had got crushed in the assault on the stairway. I think… yeah, looks like I've got maybe three left that are in somewhat decent shape.” She extracted the mangled pack from the breast pocket of her suit. Eve reached up and took the offered smoke as Carmine presented the devastated pack to Cassidy.

“Nah I'm good, managed to save mine through the whole ordeal. Not sure how, but lady luck was on my side tonight for sure.” Cassidy withdrew an almost pristine pack from her breast pocket.

“Lucky bitch. My vape exploded in the first assault, I'll settle for a Tellmin's but I've been trying to get away from them.” Jasper grumbled as she plucked a mildly bent smoke from Carmine's pack. “I fucking love these things but damn do I ever hate the monopoly they have on the market.”

Eve shrugged at Jasper's consternation, “Once the other companies manage to crack the code on the catalyst it'll be anyone's game; surprised it hasn't happened yet, to be honest. But those corporate dogs can have a nasty bite once they find you sniffing around their secrets.”

Cassidy perked up as she drew in a long breath of neon-blue smoke, “Oh fuck, that reminds me of this stupid corpo-bitch I used to know… Sam? Sammy? Sandra? Fuck something like that, anyway, she was a desk jockey for some kock-off subnet security firm named Gladius Inc or something equally stupid. We would hook up on occasion 'cause she loved cheating on her faggot husband with other women, something about it made the dickless loser even more pathetic in her eyes.”

Cassidy leaned forward as she got more engaged with the story. Eve shifted Gloria's fat ass further into the center of the car to get more comfortable; the woman was semi-conscious but still unresponsive. “Anyway, I'd just got done ruining her tight little cunt one night when she starts telling me about this website she came across, some snuff site hosting all kinds of illegal and shady shit, right? Right, so she does her snooping there-cause she's a sick fuck-and that's when she lands on this fucking dump folder.”

The ladies were all front and center for the tale now. Cassidy dramatically inhaled another long puff from her smoke before continuing. “So this dump file is massive, like terabytes of data, and it's never been touched as far as she can tell, so naturally she starts digging and before long she uncovering usernames tied to real names, cred account numbers, insurance claim numbers, birthdays, commtag info, you name it she's got it at her fingertips, right? For fucking MILLIONS of people.”

The group was hooked and Cassidy was lapping up the attention. “So of course the first thing she does is look for me, right? Like who fucking wouldn't I'm amazing. And she giggles and says ‘I know what you paid for your mods now’ all cutely n’ shit. But then she says she looked for her info and couldn't find it. Not a hint of it. Not even a fucking whisper, right? So like, what the fuck? Right? Millions of folks, find ME, but not a trace of her? Weird, right?”

Cassidy crossed her legs and reclined back into the chair as she continued her story. “Well I thought so too, so I told her to quit her snooping but the little egghead just couldn't leave well enough alone. The next day she goes back and the files are gone, just *poof* gone like a ghost at dawn. Instead, there's JUST a file with her information in it. Where she lives, who she knows, what she does, what she's worth, it's all there, right? And she's calling me about this, all freaked out right? Cause, like, now she knows they've caught her snooping, even though SHE wasn't the one that uploaded the file, right?”

Jasper whistled, “Fuck every last little bit of that. Corpo spooks don't fuck around, they make you disappear so thoroughly it's like you never existed.”

Cassidy pointed and snapped her fingers while taking a drag, “Mhmm yeah yeah! Exactly! Honestly surprised the cunt managed to call me before she got ghosted. Anyway, I told her to get her ass to my place cause then at least I could help her try to dodge whatever was coming right? But she never showed. Not even twenty minutes later I tried calling her number and it didn't exist. Went to her apartment the next day and there was a completely different ****** already moved in. Tried digging up her info anywhere I could look and never managed to find a scrap of it. She just… stopped existing.”

Eve chimed in, “Fuck me sideways… are you fucking with us? Be honest now!”

Cassidy crossed her heart, “I swear to you on my spade I spoke no lie. Thought my number was up a few days later when I noticed a tail on me. Couldn't shake them anyway I tried, but they never jumped me. They just… watched. Everywhere I went they followed until one day they just vanished. Honestly shit myself more during that time than fighting that fucking God.”

She fell into a contemplative silence as she continued to smoke. The rest of the women sat in mildly stunned silence as well, processing the story and its horror until Carmine spoke up, “She never mentioned who the company was that the dump file belonged to, did she?”

Cassidy nodded at that, “Yeah she did, but I had my head between her legs at the time so I can't remember what it was, sorry. America? Amteral? It was Am-something, I think.”

Carmine nodded, clearly running through her vast array of data searching for something matching the description. “Anyway, those big corps can fuck you up in a hurry if you step on their tails, even accidentally. That's why I stuck with the guild and hunted down my buyers for the twinks and sissies I turned out, no chance of getting caught up with suits.”

“Ahhhh, I think I got it, Amterax. Cybernetics and arms manufacturing, four locations across three cities. Looks like their HQ is in Cartafell City, but they've got a branch here in Helion.” Carmine snapped out of her fugue state with a decisive nod. “Probably some tech wizard scooped their shit and dumped it on an unregulated subnet page for the world to do as they pleased with, your bitch just got unlucky. Not surprised they'd have access to that level of information based on how big they are, last quarter they reported two point two trillion in revenue.”

Eve crinkled her eyebrows, “Two point two? How've I never heard of these guys? I'm assuming they deal largely with the city guilds and military?”

Carmine shrugged, “Almost exclusively military contracts with some guild work peppered in. No surprise you hadn't heard their name as they're more a back-end supplier than a distributor, other companies slap their brand on their shit like Qualitec does for their computer chips. Qualitec doesn't manufacture the chips, but that's the only name you ever see on them.”

“If they've got ties to the Guild then I wonder if they might also be funding that fucking Cult? Even tangentially they'd be supporting the hapless fucks.” Eve took another drag from her smoke before flicking the butt out the window.

“Not sure, couldn't dig too deep on them since the risk of having my brain scrambled was too high, all I know is that they're backing the Guild through material deliveries of weapons and body mods. They could be responsible for supplying the material for the implantation of the God-Seed within you girls, but I couldn't say.” Carmine mimicked Eve and flung her butt out the window as well.

“That reminds me, the fucker controlling the cultists on the platform, you said they were outside the building, is there any footage of them?” Eve was contemplating starting another smoke but their dwindling supply argued against her.

Carmine grimaced, “Yeah, you probably aren't going to enjoy this one, babe.” A screen flared to life in Eve's eyes and she watched as a figure ran out of the building only to turn and bring a phone up to their ear. The footage was too grainy and dark to make out who it was, but Eve already had a sinking feeling in her gut. A minute after the first person put the phone up, two others joined them and what looked like a conversation took place.

“Well… fuck me, I guess.” Eve continued watching as Carmine played the footage in reverse, following the trail of the individual back into the building, all the way to the cafeteria where Eve had let her go. “That fucking cunt! She had spades on and everything! Fucking Heretic! If I ever find her I'll personally rip her limb from limb!”

Cassidy and Jasper both looked at one another before Cassidy turned to Eve and interrupted, “Uhhhh, care to share with the rest of the class? What cunt? What the fuck are you talking about?”

Eve sighed as the windows shut, “I bumped into what I thought were some other snowbunnies in the personnel quarters. They weren't snowbunnies and were using the spades as cover to avoid picking up suspicion, which fucking worked.” She pinched the bridge of her nose as the weight of her decision to let them go settled onto her shoulders. “Fuck, I even gave her my fucking name… uggghhhhhh.”

Jasper pursed her lips in thought before turning to Carmine, “I'm assuming you already have the identity of the mystery woman?”

“Yep yep! I sure do! However, I doubt that'll help us as they loaded into a maglev about fifteen minutes ago heading south towards Cartafell City. I could probably derail the train but that would come at a heavy, heavy price.”

Eve shook her head, “No, no. It's fine, we've got their info and where they are headed, we know where the cult is making their next move so I suppose a little road trip is in our future. How about it, ladies? Feel like taking a vacation down to Cartafell with us?”

Both Cassidy and Jasper looked chagrined. Cassidy was the first to shake her head and apologize. “I'm out on this one. There's a lot I want to get done before I go risking my life again, I know how big this is for you, Eve, but I just can't commit to it right now.”

Jasper echoed the sentiment, “I have too much rebuilding to do. Too many bridges to mend, and too many to burn. I helped you out because you tried to warn me before the cult got its claws too deep, but now I have my affairs to sort out. I'm sorry, Eve.”

Eve smiled regretfully, “No, I don't blame you girls one bit. You've done more for me than I ever thought you would. You'll never know how grateful I am to have had you here beside me tonight. If there's ever anything Carmine or I can do for you… please, don't be strangers, alright?” She tried to keep the ache of abandonment out of her voice but it trembled with the effort.

Carmine leaned down and placed a firm kiss on the top of her head before tilting her neck back to place another on her lips, “We've got this, baby. Don't you worry?” Eve was overcome with the desire to be comforted by Carmine's lips and pulled her face back down to deepen the kiss.

Cassidy snorted before sheepishly crossing her legs, “Heh… get a fucking room, you dykes, or share, I don't mind either way.” Her bravado was cut short by Carmine reaching across the seat, snagging a handful of the front of her shirt, and dragging her over to share in an incredibly lusty kiss. Eve whimpered as Carmine was occupied but the kiss didn't last long enough to truly bother her.

“Careful what you wish for, bitch. Don't think just ‘cause you got Big. Strong. Muscles. That I won't fuck you into the afterlife.” Carmine wiped her lips on the back of her hand before releasing Cassidy's shirt and draping her arms back around Eve's shoulders.

“Challenge accepted you robotic slut. I'll take you on any day, any time.” Cassidy was grinning ear to ear as the dark spot in the crotch of her pants continued to widen. Jasper, for her part, simply adjusted her dress and tried her best to pretend she hadn't seen or heard anything.

The rest of the trip back to the Dellenworth estate was relaxing and quiet. The women reflected in silence, occasionally breaking it to ask one question or another. The gate guard that greeted them was Black, and after thoroughly checking the vehicle and confirming the condition of Gloria, allowed them to approach the main building. “Do you think he's called the city guard?” Jasper whispered as the Percheron rolled over the loose stones of the driveway.

“He called them the second the window was up. I intercepted it and played along as the handler so we've got enough time to get out of here before I contact them on behalf of the guard.” Carmine replied simply. The entrance Eve and Carmine had come to earlier was open and lit and the Bitch-Keeper stood observing the car as it rolled up to the crescent.

“She looks pissed, doesn't she look pissed? I think… yeah she looks pissed as hell right now.” Cassidy was right, the resident Bitch-Keeper looked like someone was about to have their throat stomped onto a bed of nails. Her arms were crossed and the tight latex corset that hugged her ludicrously beautiful body shimmered as she tapped a foot on the porch expectantly.

“Shiiiiiit, anyone wanna field this one? Anyone? Carmine? No? It's gonna have to be me… isn't it?” Eve sounded rather desperate as she tried to find a way out of having to address the incredibly angry-looking Goddess. But despite her pleas, not one of the other women in the car seemed at all interested in having that particular wrath directed at them.

“This was your fucking job, you stupid bitch. You get to finish it up.” Cassidy tried to hide her face as much as possible as the car rolled to a stop in front of the porch, hoping the tint on the windows was enough to shield her from the scouring eyes of the divine woman.

“Ah fuck, ok, deep breaths… here we go.” Eve mentally worked herself up before having Carmine pop the door to let her out. Without saying anything she quickly turned and began to haul the delirious Gloria from the back of the car. She could feel the Bitch-Keepers eyes boring a hole through the back of her head and a light sheen of sweat began to pick up across her skin. It unnerved her that the woman remained silent though, she supposed that was also a part of the Queen's skill set.

Throwing one of Gloria's arms around her shoulder she carried the limp woman to the steps of the house, “Excuse me, mistress, could you… perhaps…” but she trailed off as the Goddess simply raised an eyebrow expectantly. Eve swallowed hard and started again. “I a-apologize mistress, I'm returning Gloria from quite an… eventful night… could I be allowed to bring her in? Please?” Eve prayed this was what the woman was looking for in response. There was a moment of further scrutiny before the Amazoness nodded, “Get the bitch into the foyer. Lay her on the seat and then kneel.”

Eve risked a glance back at the car but could see nothing through the tint. Gritting her teeth and steeling her nerves, she stepped up past the Queen and entered through the open door. The mud room on the other side of the threshold was lavish. Deep, rich oaken colors paneled the walls, portraits and paintings hung there, commemorating Charles and his long line of heirs from other families. A long, well-upholstered seat ran the length of the wall to the right and Eve gently laid Gloria down across it before turning back to the door and kneeling as she'd been instructed.

The sure, confident clacking of the Goddess’ heels on the stone floor sent shivers up and down Eve's spine as the door leading back to her car, and freedom, clicked shut. “I'll have my assistant Keeper collect that worthless bitch later, tell me, cunt, where is Charles?” The clacking of the woman's pumps stopped somewhere behind Eve and she began to sweat in earnest.

“He's… w-well he was…” Eve stammered as she desperately tried to think of something that wouldn't sound utterly unhinged. A soft ‘snap’ sounded just behind her ears and she jumped. It sounded very much like a strap of leather being pulled against itself.

“Do not lie to me, girl. Do you realize I've been trained in every art known to humankind to detect deceit? You come to this house drenched in sweat and blood bearing the mother of his soon-to-be-born child and yet he does not return with you? Why is that?” Another snap accompanied the end of her question, more forceful than before.

Carmine wasn't hopping in on this one, and Eve couldn't bring herself to lie to one of her betters. Biting her lip, and closing her eyes, Eve began to explain the events leading to her arriving at the Queen's door. The words tumbled out of her, starting from when she left the Dellenworth estate to when she returned. There were several points where she thought for sure she would feel the crack of leather across her back, but the Bitch-Keeper didn't interrupt her once. Instead, she quietly listened on, standing perfectly still behind Eve the entire time. By the time she reached the conclusion she was almost hysterical with anticipation, expecting to be beaten or dragged off for the loss of such a great man. But it never came.

“That arrogant fool…” was all the woman said.

Eve opened her eyes and stammered, “I-I’m sorry, mistress. I did everything I could, but it wasn't enough.” The tears rolling down her cheeks were heavy and warm and Eve bit her lip to keep from breaking into sobs.

“Keep your regrets to yourself, whore. I didn't ask for them, and I certainly don't fucking need them. The man knew what he was dabbling in, and if he couldn't pull himself out of it then you sure as shit weren't going to do it. I believe your tale, wild as it might be; I didn't once suspect you of lying to me. You might be worthless, but at least you're honest.”

Eve gasped as the relief washed through her system. Endorphins flooded her mind and each breath felt euphoric, the Goddess had believed her, and she was being praised for it, she couldn't have asked for a better result than this.

“Even being honest has its limits, cunt. Don't feel so relieved just yet. I will need to verify what you've told me through independent means. Charles was a great man, but it hadn't escaped my attention that he'd been secreting away for an oddly timed rendezvous or clandestine meeting more frequently of late. Assuming this… cult is indeed planning what you've told me, then you've done a great favor to Helion, and House Dellenworth for expelling their influence from it. As such I will… postpone your judgment about the loss of life.”

Eve swallowed hard. She'd been gliding along a razor's edge and, while it wasn't guaranteed, she had just bought herself a little more freedom. “Until Gloria is well enough to make a public statement, you will not report anything you've just told me to anyone, even if prompted by another of your superiors. Any new information will be directed to me as acting Head of House Dellenworth. If you fail to do this, understand that there will be no hole deep enough to hide from my wrath.”

Eve bowed as low as she could and profusely thanked her Queen. “Good, now get the fuck out of my house and off my property. If I don't hear anything from you within twenty-four hours I will assume you've defected and arrange a Hunt for you. The Dellenworth estate has many means by which to reel in little fish like you, do not test my patience.” With that, Eve started to rise to her feet but the heeled foot of the Goddess came crashing down on her shoulder. “Who in the FUCK said you could stand in my presence, you disgusting pale-skin?! Get back on your hands and knees and crawl out of my site like the filthy gutter trash you are!”

Eve yelped and apologized as she scurried out the door. She didn't risk further offense by standing in the drive, choosing instead to crawl to the car's door which opened at her approach. Inside, all three women laughed and cheered at her undignified return. “Ahhhhahaha oh my god, Eve, you should have seen your fucking face!” Cassidy was practically howling as the door shut behind Eve. “God damn, I'm glad I didn't go in there. I'd have shit myself.” This comment only added to Cassidy's ongoing laughter and caused the rest of the women to redouble their enjoyment of Eve's humiliation.

“Yeah, well, I came out alive after telling a Bitch-Keeper her ****** estate had nearly been annihilated by a jealous God summoned by an insane cult backed by the ******'s head. So, I think that went pretty well, all things considered.” Eve harrumphed as she found her spot back on the floor, enjoying that there was much more space without Gloria sprawled out across it. “Let's get you two dealt with before I end up throwing you through my windows.”

The car started down the drive and Carmine leaned down to kiss the top of Eve's head. “You did great, baby. Super proud of you for handling that like a proper bitch.” The compliment wormed its way through Eve's skull and then directly down her spine to her crotch. The praise Carmine had heaped upon her only deepened her desire to submit to the android. “Oh! I did a little more digging while you were getting your ass chewed out and discovered some interesting things!”

Eve swiveled her head back to look up at the buxom blond, “If this is a lead-up to more humiliation please stop, I am so, so tired.”

Carmine laughed and patted the top of Eve’s head with a gentle hand, “No, no darling, I swear this is for real, promise!”

Eve wasn't sure how much she believed the Android, but she ultimately decided to let it ride and closed her eyes, “Alright, let's hear what you got Hun.”

Carmine went on to explain that she had made an interesting discovery buried within the Guild records; as it happened, Melody had been subjected to the same battery of changes as Eve and the other hunters, only she'd never been submitted for the trials. She'd been pulled out of the Guild immediately after having been implanted with the God-seed. When Eve had asked about the other women who'd been sacrificed, the same result came back. They'd all been impregnated.

“So… the military contractor is supplying equipment and resources to the Guild to implant God-Seeds into hunter candidates so they can either spark the birth of a God or sacrifice them to summon the God they want? Doesn't it seem an awful lot like the cult owns Amterax? At the very least it sounds like they've got someone close to the top of the food chain there. It would make a hell of a lot of sense for them to try to kick-start another war if they own a fucking military contractor company, especially the biggest fucking one.”

Eve marveled at the scale of the operation. Somehow the cult had worked its claws into an incredibly powerful piece of the pie. There was no telling how widespread their network could be with access to that sort of reach. “Right? Like, I could see it just being some backyard coo-coo but this is, like, fucking crazy.” Carmine seemed to share her opinion.

“You don't think you could take them down internally? Cripple their intranet? Erase their accounts? FUBAR their systems and bankrupt the company?” Eve was genuinely hopeful but Carmine shot it down.

“Wish I could babes, but they wouldn't be top dog if they didn't know what they were about. Most of their data is kept off-loop in secure bunker facilities under their HQ not to mention the small army of tech wizards on staff 24/7. It was a bit spooky getting the info I do have because they were on me like Kings on pussy as soon as I linked up. If we're going after them, we're gonna have to nuke their bunkers from within the bunkers, you know?”

Eve bit her lip as she thought, “Could we send in a splinter of yourself? Fraction off a bit of your mind and have it scurry into their air ducts on the back of a rat or something?” Carmine laughed at this idea, letting Eve know that even if they could do that, their passive scanning network would demolish it as soon as it stepped through the geo-gate. “So that's it then? We're fucked? Are you telling me we need to raid an impenetrable fortress just to deal a significant blow to a cult that may or may not exist in other cities as well? Fuck sakes…”

Carmine hummed on the other end, “Hmmm not necessarily. If we bring down the power grid, most, if not all, of their systems go into reserve. Critical systems are maintained, but passive features like their data scanning are shunted into physical staff screening to conserve their generators. Hitting the power grid hard enough to knock the entire thing out for their facilities will impact the rest of the city, but I think in this case going a few weeks without power might be the smallest of the citizens' concerns.”

Eve had to agree, lopping the head off of this hydra wasn't going to get any easier as they worked their way into ever-higher positions. The fact that it was being spearheaded by Black men and women churned her insides, but to avoid a vast and cruel war, this was the only course she had available to her. It was the only way she could see to resolve the terror of potentially losing millions of Black lives needlessly. “See if you can't work out a plan on how to effectively cripple Cartafell’s grid. Network out and see if there aren't any Hunters in the city that have been working cases similar to ours, if there are some Hunters brushing shoulders with the Cult they may potentially be allies in waiting.”

Eve turned to the other two women in the car who were already immersed in their comments, “Were either of you two listening?” Eve gave them a flat look.

Cassidy didn't turn to acknowledge the question, choosing instead to respond while staring out into the middle distance as she scanned a screen in her eye, “Of course, we heard you, bitch. We're not deaf. I've got two girls currently working out of Cartafell, old partners from my days as a Merc. I'm gonna see if they've had any run-ins with the cult there.”

Jasper had a more robust network of connections, but a lot of it had been compromised by the Guild so she was sifting through a sea of contacts looking for the few remaining who could be trusted. “Hey Jasper, I've been wondering. Since your eyes are like… that now, how does your commtag work? Aren't you blind? Do the screens still show up?”

Jasper screwed up her face, “From what I've been able to work out, this damn color is just covering my eyes like a blackout lens. They still work fine, I just can't see past the color at all. It's so fucking annoying, you two got your colors and weren't crippled at all. Meanwhile, I can't see shit unless it's through someone else. Horseshit.”

Cassidy interjected, “Couldn't you pair a hi-rez lapel cam to your commtag and feed the video to a screen? There are some fantastic discreet gimbal mounts now for micro cameras. They allow eye-tracked movement and stabilization to reduce motion sickness. Recommend looking into them.” Eve and Jasper both studied Cassidy as she continued to scroll through her contacts. “What? Why are you staring at me like that? I fuckin' like the camera's ok? I've always liked taking pictures and videos of shit, don't make it weird!”

The ladies sat in stunned silence for a moment before Jasper replied with a simple, “I'll look into that, Cas. Thanks.” A small smile spread across Cassidy's face as she continued to browse her contacts. The car lapsed into a comfortable quiet and Eve peered out the window at the passing buildings. Most infrastructure had taken on the post-war brutality of practicality, built of stone and concrete. Steel shutters hung over and beside windows, and blast doors without glass inserts made it difficult to see inside of apartment lobbies and boutiques. Everything in Helion had felt cold and distant to Eve from a young age, and it was due in part to the squat, inelegantly designed tombstones that had sprung up from the craters.

Neon signs and Edison-bulb-filled billboards advertised what lay beyond the thick steel and listless gray concrete. But it was all window dressing, lipstick on a pig. Helion was an ugly city full of ugly people and ugly business, and all the same, watching the street lights pass by, tinted pink with the morning sun, relaxed Eve in a way she couldn't quite explain.

“Ah! Here we go!” Cassidy exclaimed. Eve pulled her attention around, expecting Cassidy to say more. “Knew I had this bitch in my contacts still. I'll shoot her a message and see what's up, assuming she's still alive, that is.” She hummed as she internally typed out a text to her ex-teammate.

“I thought you had a couple of contacts there?” Eve questioned.

Cassidy smiled sadly. “Melena is dead. Took an axe to the back of the neck after accidentally discharging her pistol into the groin of a black man she was escorting through the slums. The obit popped on her commtag entry when I opened it to message her. Tragic loss, she knew her shit. Recent, too. Just two days ago, actually.”

Carmine butted in, “Melena Cortez? 5’6”, black hair, birthmark under her right eye? Sound right?” Cassidy nodded, slightly shocked by Carmine's intrusion. “I'm digging through the City Guard report and there's virtually no consistency here. The man supposedly shot was discharged from the hospital not two hours after being admitted, Melena's weapon was never collected or tested, and witnesses at the scene testified that a gunshot was heard but at the time Melena was facing away from the man. By all recorded evidence, Melena pleaded innocent the entire time up to her execution.”

Cassidy’s mouth fell open as Carmine continued. "Not just that, but the metadata from Melena's commtag indicated she'd worked a string of jobs from the city's bounty board concerning the ritual killings taking place… pretty safe to say she brushed a little too close to the sun and had her wings burned…”

Cassidy shook, clenching her jaw and flexing her fist against her thigh. “Those fucking pricks. Those dirty, rotten, fucking losers!”

Eve placed her hand on Cassidy's shaking fist, “We're gonna get ‘em, Cas. We're gonna fuck ‘em all up. Bet on it.” Cassidy looked down at the hand and then to Eve's eyes. Eve forced as much sincerity and bravado into her look as she could, hoping it would help to bolster her words of encouragement.

“You're fuckin’ right we will. I'm gonna spend some time combing through my old hookups to see if I can put some kind of team together, need some real badasses on our side and luckily those are the only kinds of friends I keep. We're gonna hit ‘em so fuckin' hard they won't know which God to pray to.” The animalistic grin that spread across Cassidy's face caused a light chill to pass over Eve's skin.

“She's alive, by the way. That other girl you were sending a message to. Not sure for how much longer since it looks like she just recently picked up Melena's trail. Might want to get news to her of what she's gotten herself into.” Carmine was digging through streams of data as she spoke.

“Alright, I'll send Lexa the warning. Any luck, Jasper?”

The blind woman turned to regard Cassidy and the group. “Three women, two have responded, one had their obit pop like Melena. Hers was posted three days ago, so it looks like the cult is picking up steam in Cartafell. I'll get the word to them and pray they're as smart as I remember them being. I've got other contacts spread through various cities. I'll spend some time reaching out to all of them and follow Cas’s lead together with some kind of team we can leverage against the cult. Might take me a while though.”

Cassidy nodded at that before turning back to Eve and Carmine, “Yeah, let us handle things on this side, you two can worry about pulling Cartafell out of the fire. No doubt the roots of this bitch have spread far and wide so we'll have to deal with splinter cells all over the continent.” Eve chewed her lip. Not having Jasper and Cassidy with her scared her, especially with everything they'd gone through.

“I've let Lexa know to lay low and to expect you two within the next few days, she's at a bit of a loss on what to do but after Melena went down she's scared and eager for help. She's a good person, Eve; I worked at her back and in her bed for years and she never did me wrong. She's a straight shooter and has a thing for crotch rockets. Doesn't look half bad in leather, either.”

“What a sparkling review. Let me guess, you spent all that time in her bed with her on top, right?”

Eve was flippant, but Cassidy rolled with the comment. “Let's just say she's a big fan of having handlebars in her hands. Besides, unlike a certain someone, most of us are capable of doing both topping and bottoming. If you ever do anything other than catch for Carmine then we'll celebrate your graduation to something other than a fucksleeve.”

Jasper coughed into her hand, trying to avoid openly laughing at the remark. Eve stuttered as she attempted to salvage some small fraction of her dignity, “Y-yeah… w-well I can top! I just… it's cause I'm so used to fucking Black Kings! I've topped plenty of people!” The look on Cassidy's face was both incredulous and sympathetic. After Eve had crawled out of the Dellenworth home on her hands and knees it was impossible to recover any sort of authority when it came to sexual dynamics.

“Let's face it, Eve, if I told you to eat my pussy right now you'd fuckin’ do it. There's nothing wrong with being a bitch. Hell, it's honestly a fantastic thing for a bunny like you, but let's call a spade a spade here, alright?” Cassidy shook her head as she negated Eve's claim and went back to scrolling her Commtag. Eve's cheeks burned at the accusation but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't find a reasonable rebuttal to it.

“Speaking of which, get to it.” Cassidy casually unbuckled her slacks and slid them around her thighs, spreading her legs to reveal a cleanly waxed slit. The folds of her labia glistened with the accumulated wetness of arousal. “Watching you scuttle out of that mansion like a kicked dog will not be incredibly hot to me.”

Eve looked back up at Carmine who simply shrugged, “You are a bitch, my love. I'm not going to sit here and try to defend honor you don't have. Plus watching you eat out another woman is hot so I don't know why I'd try to stop it.”

Eve turned back to Cassidy, “Are you serious? Right now? After what you just said to me?”

Cassidy laughed and started rubbing her clit, “As if you have any self-respect, get over here and make me cum.” Eve chewed her lip in frustration, but the humiliation and desire to lap up all of the delicious juice liberally coating Cassidy's fingers was overwhelming. Typically, vaginal implants like the kind Cassidy had produced a candy-like lubricant. It was sweet and succulent on the tongue, it also had a mild amphetamine laced throughout to stimulate, heightened sexual arousal during foreplay and sex.

Begrudgingly, Eve slid across the floor in front of the bench seat and up between Cassidy's legs. The woman brushed her two fingers across the entirety of her pussy before sliding them between Eve's lips. The action instantly had Eve in the mood to suck, and she began to work her tongue along the length of both fingers, gently sucking and slurping on them before Cassidy extracted them and used that hand to pull Eve's head into her crotch.

The sweet, floral scent of strawberry filled Eve's nose as she buried her face into the full length of Cassidy's pussy. One big, long lick up the center of her slit with the broad side of Eve's tongue and the aphrodisiac effect of the synth-lube slammed into her bloodstream. Her eyes dilated as the carnal lust for Cassidy's body ramped up; Cassidy moaned softly as she pressed Eve's head more firmly into her pubic mound. Eve became more ravenous with her licks, interchanging between concentrated attacks on Cassidy's clit, and working her tongue and fingers into her wet fuckhole.

“That's it, bitch, get in there… ah! Nice and… mhmmmmm deep with it… yeah just like that, right there!” Cassidy's fingers curled into Eve's hair as she began to buck her hips slowly against Eve's face. Eve could hear both Carmine and Jasper masturbating as well now, and her desire escalated as she stuffed her free hand down her pants. “Ah fuck… oh! Shiiiit you're good at… ah! That!” Cassidy had a hand on her breast, kneading it roughly as she ground her hips against Eve's face.

Eve curled her fingers up as though trying to beckon the orgasm out of Cassidy, gently coaxing her g-spot as her tongue rolled over her swollen clit relentlessly. “Oooo-fuck, ohhhhhh! Yes, yes! Right. Fucking…. Ahhhhhhh” Cassidy came, clamping her thighs down on the sides of Eve's head. Her hips sprang off the bench seat of the Percheron and brought Eve with them. Eve rode out Cassidy's climax by expertly teasing and stimulating her pussy, riding the line between overwhelming Cassidy, and coaxing her into a follow-up orgasm.

“Wha- ohhh what are you! Doing?! Oh fuck?!” A torrent of squirt washed over Eve's chin as Cassidy was slammed by an involuntary climax, Cassidy squealed as her legs began to shake violently from the excruciating pleasure. The spasms caused her legs to lock down on Eve's skull so hard that she started to hear the bone around her ears creak in distress.

Cassidy flopped wildly as the shockwaves rippled through her body, finally releasing Eve to tumble back onto the floor. Cassidy collapsed and panted heavily as she tried to gather her thoughts. “Eve, come-” Carmine began to call to Eve but Jasper cut her off.

“Ohhhhh no, it's my turn, that cunt belongs to you so you get to use her whenever. I get next. Get over here you filthy slut.” Carmine pouted but never once removed her fingers from her pussy. Eve panted as she drew her sleeve across her chin, wiping away the copious amounts of squirt that now soaked the front of her suit. Jasper pulled the hem of her dress over her knee to reveal the tight, thin line of her sex.

Where Cassidy had large, plush labial folds, Jasper had none, instead a slick, razor-thin gash terminating in a small dot on top was all that marked her femininity. Eve was very familiar with this particular pussy. It had commanded a large chunk of her time for a brief period and she'd been made to service it as the end of a gun on more than one occasion. She approached Jasper warily, the raw emotions of having spent such tender and intimate moments buried between this woman's legs played front and center in her mind.

But Jasper's face was nothing but kind, the light in her eyes reflected nothing but primal lust and a desperate, hungry need to be satisfied. There was no malice in the swirling colors, there was no desire for pain and violence. Instead, Eve could almost make out the barest hints of a faintly blooming love. It pulsed silently in the fabric of their powers. She could feel it, just beneath the surface of their awareness, a link that had formed between all three of the women. Umbilical bonds between them that carried the compassion and genuine heartfelt love of partners and soulmates.

For all the sharp remarks, humiliation, and name-calling. Eve could recognize that throughout the night's events or, perhaps, even earlier, a much deeper bond of love had developed within them. In that moment Eve knew that she could put her life in their hands without hesitation and they would not mishandle it. She could truly, deeply, intimately trust them with her very soul and it would not burn her. She stared up at Jasper, wonder and awe momentarily stunning her as the true scope of the emotional connection dawned on her.

Her link to the women surged and both Jasper and Cassidy gasped as it crashed into them. Cassidy twitched and another jet of squirt gushed from between her legs. She grunted and moaned as the pleasure of their link hammered her mind like a gong. Jasper's legs slammed shut and she balled her fists into her dress as a sustained orgasm overtook her already-aroused body. Eve lost herself in the tide of new emotion, hope, and desire swirling within her heart to blot out all thoughts she may have had.

She shuffled down the line and forced Jasper's shaking legs apart, diving between them as they snapped shut against her ears like a Venus flytrap. She assaulted Jasper's dripping cunt as though it were her last meal on earth. She devoured Jasper, worshiped her, and lavished her with every possible stimulation she could remember. Words ceased to hold meaning as Cassidy's aphrodisiac began to fully take hold of her nervous system.

At some point Carmine had come up behind her and removed her pants, she wasn't sure when, nor did she care; Jasper's grunts and subhuman moans were the only things Eve could focus on. Carmine began to work on Eve, raising her hips slightly so that she could sit on Carmine's face. After that, time joined language is becoming meaningless. The women's bodies fused and disconnected, bare skin and sweat, moans and howls, lips and fingers and teeth.

Eve only started coming back to herself when the car slowed and came to a stop, the rear door opened and two filthy Black Kings climbed in, further cramping the struggling Percheron. Eve didn't care, she threw herself at the first one. Feverishly working on undoing the knot in the shoestring holding up the torn and dirty sweatpants the God was wearing. She gave up and simply tore the small string from his body, letting the crusty sweats drop to the floor and revealing a gorgeous unwashed God-cock.

She looked up into the beautiful man's deep brown eyes as she tucked her head under his prodigious shaft, the putrid stench of weeks-old piss and cum caused her eyes to water as she began to tongue-wash the base of his cock. He grunted and turned his head to see Jasper busily bobbing her head up and down the length of the other man's cock, Cassidy’s face buried in his ass crack. He cooed and stooped over Eve, grabbing hold of Jasper's hips and swinging them up so that he could eat her out from behind.

Eve began to work her way up the length of his rod, licking and slurping and kissing as she came to his foreskin. Peeling it back with her lips she plunged it into her mouth; he was fully hard and she had to fight to fit his girth. It took 3 solid thrusts but by the third her throat gave in and accepted his bulbous head. It stretched her throat as she worked it down further and further until her nose came to rest in the thick bush on his pelvis. The taste was otherworldly; it was bitter and salty with an overwhelming musk of testosterone and sweat. It was so intense that the moment his pubic hair brushed against the tip of her nose her brain switched off.

There was no more Eve, no more cult, no more Guild, no more Helion. All that remained was a fuckdoll with a set of wet holes that this majestic King was going to ruin in the back of her car. The joy she experienced as the man's cock began to pump in and out of her throat was unparalleled, surrounded by women she loved and that loved her. Being put to use servicing such a perfect man… nothing else in the universe mattered at that moment. Eve wrapped her arms around his hips and used them as leverage to pull her skull down the length of his cock, letting it ram down her throat as he began to match her motions and fuck her face.

Eventually, the man put Jasper down and pushed Eve off his cock with a weathered hand. He lined her up and then slid the full length of himself inside her. Jasper groaned like a beast as he entered her, cumming the moment his hips connected with her ass cheeks. Eve lifted herself off of Carmine's face to chase after the man as he moved, swinging around his back to stuff her face into his ass. It reeked of death and rot but Eve dutifully serviced the man to the best of her ability.

Cassidy was face to face with Jasper, sloppily kissing as the King she'd been rimming just moments before stuffed her with his hard cock. Carmine wrapped herself around the man Eve was servicing and began to make out with him as he hammered Jasper's pussy. Eve could feel the powerful impacts as she strained to keep herself wedged against his asshole, both Jasper and Cassidy were in a near-constant state of orgasm and they moaned and grunted into each other's mouths.

Eve disappeared into the pleasure, letting everything go as the two men repeatedly used the women as disposable cumdumps. At some point, she was dimly aware that a third man joined them, but the swarm of bodies and naked skin had become such a smeared blur of sweat and cum that she barely noticed. The two homeless Kings left, another joined, and the car drove on. More left and joined, Eve fucked and sucked and licked and kissed in a trance of pleasure and filth. By the time the last man stepped out of the Percheron Eve lay sprawled on the defiled carpet thoroughly coated with thick globs of rapidly drying cum.

Her gaped and raw pussy slowly leaked dozens of loads worth of superior black seed onto the floor of the car. Jasper and Cassidy were strewn across the bench seats, semi-coherent as they panted and twitched. Carmine came out in the best condition, unable to truly feel exhausted; she sat next to Eve, gently stroking her cum soaked hair as she smoked one of their last Tellmin's. The sun hovered high in the sky as the car navigated the streets of Helion. Cassidy grunted as another orgasm swept over her body and a thick stream of heavy white cum jetted out of her abused asshole, coating her ass cheek and splattering down the seat.

“Gimmedat.” Eve burbled a command to Carmine as she licked a particularly thick rope of cum from her lips.

“No. You'll just get the filter soggy if I give it to you, use Jasper's vape.” Carmine turned her nose up at Eve as she happily puffed on the cigarette. Eve whimpered as she tried to roll over, the energy required to do so seemingly impossible to conjure.

“Wuttime sssss whe-urp-whererwe” Eve burped, feeling the stomach full of cum she was currently digesting still settling in her guts. The entire interior of the car stank of sex, Slix, and smoke and Eve had never in her life been more content.

“We fucked for four hours. It's mid-morning now. We're on our way to Cassidy's place to drop her off.” Carmine's matter-of-fact responses comforted Eve; they were quiet, and simple, and didn't require her to think. The fact Carmine could Intuit what she was asking amazed her and simultaneously served to deepen her love for the android.

“Ilubyuo. I love you. Mhmm Carmine, I love you, I love you. Come come come come.” Eve motioned for Carmine to kiss her and Carmine obliged. It was soft, as tender as kisses could be. The slow, yearning passion of two people hopelessly in love with one another. It was a kiss meant to convey every unspoken feeling they held for one another. Carmine broke away and leaned over Eve, rustling through Cassidy's clothes to find her pack of smokes.

Miraculously it had once again survived the scuffle inside the car completely unscathed. “Here, you can have this one.” Carmine lit one with her cigarette and then gently placed it in Eve's mouth. Eve sucked back on the smoke, closing her eyes and letting the scent and flavor mix with the cum and piss lingering on her tongue. It was “spirit melon” flavored, not her favorite but pleasant nonetheless.

“We'll drop off Cassidy and Jasper and then head back to your apartment. We need to straighten up before we catch our maglev out of town. Should give you a chance to wash up and catch a few hours of sleep, I know you need it.” Eve hummed in response at the thought of finally sleeping. A warm bed, the arms of her lover, the quiet of slumber. “We'll stop by to see Micheal before we ditch the city since you need to replace your Deckland and I need to get some minor repair work done. After that, it's a 6-hour maglev trip to Cartafell.”

Eve brought a hand up and mushed it against Carmine's lips, “shhhhh shh shh, no shop-talk now. Just talk about how much you love me and want to marry me.”

Carmine rolled her eyes as she took another drag of her smoke. “Talk about narcissism!” But she smiled and then giggled as she finished her smoke and tossed it out the window. “Well, it's gonna be a real short talk if that's all you want me to say!” Eve pouted and slapped Carmine's thigh, “Alright! Alright… you're going to regret asking me to extol your virtues, cause I won't stop will we hit Cartafell.”

Previous page: Ch. 13 Broken Glory