For the rest of the week Morgan acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She seemed so calm and cool, and yet I was a ball of emotions. What was no big deal to Morgan, was the biggest deal of my entire year. The questions swirled in my head. Would she go out with him? And if she did, would she end up like the other girls. Thursday night I called her to find out her plans for Friday. She told me she was just gonna hang out with friends, and then see me later in the night. I couldn't believe it, was she lying to me. The whole week I had been on edge, the jealousy inside me was almost palpable, and yet I found myself rock hard pretty continuously throughout the week.

I left work early Friday afternoon, and headed for Morgan's. I knew she wouldn't be home for another hour or so. Luckily, I still had a spare key, I entered the front door of her small one room townhouse. To understand what I was going to do, one must understand the layout of her house. When you walk in the front door, right off to the left, is the small kitchen which leads to a back room where the washer and dryer are located. Moving down the small hall leads right into the den, where the couch faces the television. There is a sliding glass door that opens to a wooden deck. Across from the kitchen is the entrance to the guest bathroom, this leads into the larger bathroom which we use, and swings around to Morgan's room. She has a large mirror next to the master bathroom door which she uses to get ready.

However, I didn't enter the guest bathroom, I turned left into the main doorway to her room. To access the bed, one must walk down another small hallway, which is actually a walk in closet that splits the room, and comes out like a peninsula in the middle of the room. Technically, you could walk through the closet and reach the large mirror on the other side. This closet is large, and houses all of Morgan's clothes. Let me tell you, she has a lot of shoes and clothes. You can enter the closet on either side of the room. The closet is lined with white wooden slats that allow you to see in the closet...or out.

This would be my vantage point, as I made my way into the closet I found just what I had hoped for. Morgan's had cardboard shelves where she put a lot of her shoes. One could remain in the middle of the closet and hide behind the many make shift shoe shelves, allowing a view of the whole room. I place myself in my new hiding spot and waited in the dark. The quite was so pronounced I could hear the ringing in my ears.

An hour later I heard the front door open. I heard movement and what I thought was the refrigerator door opening. She always had a snack after work, like clockwork. She made her way into the bedroom, and I gulped down expecting to get caught. She opened the left side of the closet and hung up her work coat. Then she shut it quickly. I had not been detected. I watched intently as she removed her white blouse and then her pants. My dick began to harden as I watched my own girlfriend undress to her black bra and panties. Her phone was constantly humming as it must be on vibrate. She texted someone quite frequently. Then I saw her move past her bed and come over the the long mirror. She removed her bra, and I saw her perky tits come free. Pre-cum began to trickle in my pants. The sight before me was incredibly erotic. She went to the master bathroom and turned on the shower. I had a clear view of the entire bathroom as well, and enjoyed this little victory. What happened next almost floored me. Morgan picked up the razor and shaving cream off the small shelf that connected to the mirror outside the bathroom. I watched her lather up her long gorgeous legs. As I watched her slowly shave her legs, I almost came in my pants. It occurred to me that I had never watched this sexy ritual before, and wanted to watch it again someday. I watched her shower and enjoyed every minute as she rubbed her sexy taught body. Though her tits were small, they were perky and always the nipples were erect.

When she finished showering she opened the closet, and I thought I was going to be caught dead to rights, but Morgan merely pulled out a blue turquoise top. She hadn't even noticed a thing, and closed the door. She then went to her drawer, and I watched her put on a turquoise bra and panties set. She loved that color. Then she pulled on the top. She looked stunning, and I could barely contain my raging hard-on. At this point, she opened another drawer under the television in her room. She pulled out the denim skirt that I loved to see her in. Then she returned to the part of the closet that faced her bed, and this was the most dangerous place for her to look. I shifted back into the darkness and crouched as low as I could. Luckily, she knew what she was looking for and brought out a pair of wedge shoes. They made her several inches taller and made her legs pop even more. She sat on the bed, and I was stunned when she applied lotion to her legs, making them shine in the light. Then she slid on her wedge heels and stood up. She was utterly a knockout right then, and I wanted to have sex with her more than anything. Even without make-up, which she then quickly applied. Ten minutes later, she grabbed her Louis Vuitton purse, and I watched her leave the room, and heard the front door open. Then silence again.

I was about to rush out and follow her, but was stopped by the sight of her hamper only inches from the closet. On top were the shorts she had worn the night of the “incident” I had witnessed. The crotch of the shorts were visible as they were inside out, and the dried juices from Morgan's pussy were clear as day. If there ever was a doubt that Bill had made her cum, that doubt was gone. I lifted the shorts to my nose, and the smell of her sex was so strong that my pupils dilated. It felt as if blood was rushing directly from my brain and down to my dick. This was something akin to taking a Viagra I'd imagine, and I realized that I would have to wait to follow her. I'd have to cum, and cum now. I pulled out my cock and began to jerk furiously as I sniffed her scent. It took maybe three jerks before I came in my fist. Placing the article of clothing back in the hamper, I cleaned quickly, and ran out the door to my car, which was parked down the street to avoid detection.

As I drove fast, I realized I didn't know where I was going. But then it dawned on me that I could just find Bill first. I texted him, and he quickly replied he was busy tonight. He remarked he had a date with a real hottie. I asked if I knew her, and he said I did, but didn't want to tell me about it until later. This one was HOT, he reminded me. He didn't want to screw it up.

I think I must have sped faster than 80 mph as I raced to his street. I parked down the street from his house. The loser still lived with his parents in the same home he grew up in. He lived in the same bedroom since he was like five. I despised him at that moment, but despite this, my erection was back. Part of me didn't believe any of it was really happening, but then I saw Morgan's car pull up. The asshole was making her drive, not doubt because he had one of those tubes that you have to blow into that detects alcohol on the breath in his car. He had been arrested for DUI twice. Again, a loser. What could Morgan possibly see in this guy.

When she honked the horn, Bill came out in a black preppy colored shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. He didn't even dress well. Morgan came out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. Apparently, he was going to drive. Her dress caught Bill's eye and he stopped for a moment to check her out as she got back in the car. He then got in the driver's seat and they drove off.

I followed slowly behind trying to keep up without being detected myself. They took the highway and drove about a half hour away. Guess they didn't want to be seen by people they knew. The first stop was the restaurant next to the theater. I watched the pair exit the car and walk inside. They were so mismatched, this knock-out girl, my girlfriend with this slob. She was out of his league. Hell, she was out of my league.

I couldn't go in the place without being seen. So I waited in the car. Every second went on for what seemed like days. Somehow, I managed to wait a half hour, and they re-emerged, much more jovial than before. They must have had several drinks. I watched them go across the street to the theater. Bill probably couldn't drive at that point. As they entered the theater I raced across to follow them inside. I was still to scared to confront them, but I couldn't sit out here again. The line was huge, and when I got inside I saw them at the concession stand buying food. For a loser, Bill sure must have had a confidence boost at that point, with such a gorgeous girl as his date. There were a LOT of guys checking Morgan out. Enjoy it you tool, I said to myself, it won't last.

I observed which way they went, but it took to long to see what movie they went to. I bought a ticket for a movie in that wing of the theater hoping I chose the right one. I had not, and I couldn't locate them. I wasn't going to just walk in and risk being seen, so I eventually went to the bar across the street and drank beer. I sat close to the front of the restaurant to see out the window. The bartender must have known I was acting weird. After an hour and a half, I finally observed them walking back to the car. They could have stared right at me, but seemed caught up in conversation. As they sped away, I left what must have been a huge tip, as I put forty dollars down and didn't want to wait for the bill.

I tried as best I could to follow without being caught. My luck finally came, when they stopped at a store. I raced past them and staged down the street from Bill's house. Minutes later, I saw Morgan's car pull up towards his house, but they didn't stop there, instead they drove past my position and parked down by the dirt road that led to a small forested area, its where we used to drink as kids. All I could see where two heads. That's all the streetlights would allow. It was dark. Bill was still in the driver's seat, I could see that. I prayed they wouldn't get in the back. I knew that Bill had fucked several girls just like this in his car. The loser actually had to take girls down the street from his house like he was in high-school still, and he was almost twenty six years old.

I considered it a win when they didn't get out. But my victory was short lived when I saw the two heads come together. So there kissing, I told myself, that's not TOO big a deal, but it still caused the jealousy to spread. She was actually making out with my ***** loser friend. Why was my cock so hard again. It hurt as it stretched against my jeans. Morgan was a good girl, I told myself. She would not fuck Bill. She never fucked a guy on the first date. Uggghh....they were actually on a date, I finally realized. Morgan might not fuck on the first date, but there are other things adults can do. I fully realized this when I saw her head disappear, and Bill's head fell back on the seat. For a good ten minutes her head was gone. When it returned, I told myself nothing had happened. But I couldn't deny that her head was down for a significant period. The car came to life, and I watched Bill pull out of the dirt road and drive back to his house. He got out, and Morgan did as well. Bill moved in to try and kiss her goodnight, but Morgan pulled back, her face showed a smile, and she laughed, and walked right past him. “Nice try loser!” I said out loud.

As I watched Morgan drive away, I hung my hat on that. He hadn't gotten a kiss goodnight, how well could the date have really gone. Minutes later, Morgan sent me a text telling me to come to her house. I drove slowly so as not to look desperate. I parked next to her car and walked into her house. She was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, and had already changed into a purple track suit. It was her sleeping wear. I casually grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat next to her. She kissed my lips and asked how my night was, and that's when I smelled her breath. It was atrocious. The smell was familiar but I couldn't place it. Maybe a goodnight kiss would have been a bad thing for Bill. I made a joke about it, and told her she needed to brush. As we laid in bed that night, my fears subsided somewhat, as she hadn't fucked Bill. That was a win in my book.

I had broached the question of sex, but Morgan said she wasn't in the mood, and was really tired. She did the thing she often does were she grips my dick and allows me to fuck her hand. Its not really a handjob, but it does feel good. “Can you just cum in the bathroom though,” she asked, not wanting me to get it all over the place. She rolled over, and released my dick just as I was about to cum. Shit. I thought. Right at the edge. I could already hear her soft snores, and I stood up and walked to the bathroom. The hamper again caught my eye. Her turquoise panties on top. Turning to make sure she was sleeping, I picked them up and went in the bathroom and closed the door. When I got inside I turned the water on, so she couldn't hear me. The juices from her pussy were all over the panties, soaking them. The smell was strong. Had Morgan cum at some point? When? I lifted the panties to my nose and inhaled her scent. Like a shot in the arm of Viagra it happened again. I licked the wetness and was sure it was Morgan's honey. maybe he fingered her again. No big deal right.

The next night, Morgan and I went out with her friends and Hillary, Morgan's fatter friend ended up bringing Bill. Morgan was affectionate to me all night, kissing me, and holding my hand. She had on the cherry chapstick, that I could taste. She always tasted great. She paid no mind to Bill, except when he was hitting on women, she'd pull him away and back to Hillary. They were “dating” in Hillary's eyes, though Bill was just using her for sex.

A group of us ended up going back to Morgan's house after the bars, to play some drinking games and hang out. At one point, I watched Bill pick up Morgan's phone. “Is this your phone Morgan?” He laughed, pressing buttons. Everyone was too caught up in conversation and drinking to notice, but of course I did. This was the “game” as Bill called it. The one he had done time and again with Meg, and Kaitlin, and others. Even Hillary seemed oblivious, so he must not have tried it on her. After all, she was just a pudgy ***** whore. He probably hadn't needed to play the “game” with her.

I watched as he stood up and walked around to the open door to her room and disappeared. Morgan stood up shaking her head, “GIVE IT BACK BILL!” She muttered and followed. I was about to put a stop to it, when someone informed me it was my turn to play “pyramid”, and since everyone else had gone and drank a lot they insisted I take my turn. I must have been red in the face with jealousy and anger, as someone said “he looks like he's wasted”.

They were only out of view for four minutes, and yes, I watched the clock. Bill came back breathing heavy, and sat next to Hillary. Morgan came out swiping away on her phone, and sat next to me. She kissed my cheek, the smell of cherry was overpowered by that same familiar stench that was on her breath the day before. Man, her breath had gone sour since returning to the house. She asked if I wanted a beer, and I told her yes, and made a joke about her breath.

Later, after everyone left, Morgan went to bed, and I found myself back in the bathroom with a pair of her panties. She must have been REAL wet all night, which explains the sex we had. It was quick and hard. She wrapped her legs around me and squeezed my balls with her hands. I came in my condom in about three minutes. This wasn't out of the ordinary. When she wanted to, Morgan could make me cum in under a minute, be it with her hand, her mouth or her pussy. Especially with blowjobs, as she had the ability to just suck it right out of me. There are times when an orgasm builds, and you feel the pressure of it growing. Morgan could bypass all this and just GET me there. I called them superjobs. Kinda wanted one right then, but the sex was ok. Morgan was fast asleep and I found myself sniffing and jerking once more. To be honest, I was happy as a pig in shit Bill was the loser again who had to go home with pudgy Hillary. Tonight, I wrapped her panties around my dick and fucked them. When I was done, I noticed the smell on them now. Rancid and strong, the smell of my dick after a night out. Oddly like Morgan's breath earlier. Quite gross actually. I put them back in the hamper and went to bed.

That Sunday afternoon, Morgan was on the phone with Hillary all day. She told me that Hillary was livid, cause when she took Bill to her apartment, he wasn't interested in sex. Hillary actually pulled his pants down when he was sleeping and saw lip gloss on his dick. She spent the day trying to find out all the girls Bill talked to last night. Morgan said she didn't see anything, and I laughed at how crazy Hillary was being. I could hear Hillary yelling as Morgan rolled her eyes, something about how if she finds the girl she'll beat her ass, that his dick smelled like cherries and had gloss ALL over it or something. Women can be pretty nuts, I agreed with Morgan.

I was happy that things “hadn't worked out” on Bill and Morgan's date. Everything seemed back to normal, and Morgan seemed more attentive and sexual than ever. In fact, I wasn't worried a bit when Bill came over on Tuesday night to have beers and watch baseball. I got really ***** fast. I remembered bits and pieces of the night, as I recall Bill grabbing Morgan's phone AGAIN. I'm pretty sure I put a stop to the “game”. But again, I got really *****, and found myself waking up with a headache on the couch. I heard music in Morgan's room. And I think Bill's keys were on the coffee table. Either way, I drifted back to sleep, and woke up hours later to Morgan nudging me and telling me to come to bed. Her breath reeked. In fact, the whole bedroom smelled pretty raunchy. She should probably clean up more. Morgan was too tired to have sex, so I found myself in the bathroom with her panties from that day. It became a ritual with me, and I rather enjoyed sniffing her panties and masturbating. It was like my own private time.

Friday night rolled around, which was our date night. I was shocked when Morgan got super sexy and wore a tight dress, and her silver strap heels, my favorite. She looked like a goddess. I was pleasantly surprised to see Bill at the bar we went to for dinner. He joined us and ate with us and came back to Morgan's for more drinks. Again, I got super hammered. I was still pretty lucid when Bill grabbed Morgan's phone and walked to her room. She just shook her head, and said “GIVE IT BACK!”. A few minutes later, I heard music come on in her room, and the distinct sounds of a bed moving.

Saturday night we went out with a bunch of people, mostly Morgan's friends, sans Hillary, cause I told her Bill was coming. Morgan had on an even tighter yellow dress, one she said she'd never wear in public. I'm glad she did, cause she looked good. This time, when it was just the three of us back at her place, Bill grabbed a random DVD off the table, and walked into Morgan's room. She shook her head “GIVE IT BACK!” She said as she raced after him. Then the music, then the noise of the bed. I woke up again to Morgan and her “breath” and went to bed in a stinky room once more.

Monday night rolled around, and Bill came over for beers and baseball. I actually didn't want to get too *****, as I had some big things at work the next day. Eventually, Bill picked up a spoon from the kitchen and asked if it was Morgan's. He walked right by the couch and into her bedroom. “GIVE IT BACK!” She said and followed.

I had known for some time, I'm not an idiot, that Bill the loser was playing the “game” with Morgan and winning. I don't know who was losing the “game”, Morgan or me. But you have to understand that every time I heard her say “GIVE IT BACK!” The blood would engorge my dick, as if it had a mind of its own. Like I said, I enjoyed her panties those nights, even with the new “element” to them, the more white and stickiness that coated them.

Bill would come over and play the “game” every other night now. It was like clockwork, he'd grab something, they disappear, and the music would come on, and then the bed creeking. On date night that Friday, Bill came to her house all dressed up and drove with us to the restaurant. Morgan was in a tight black skirt, and turquoise top with her silver strap heels. They sat next to each other and had a blast as they drank. Sure, it sucks that I paid, but it was the least I could do. Morgan seemed so much happier, and less tense and more outwardly sexual. She was hot, and now she seemed to know it and want to flaunt it. That night, when we got back, Bill just grabbed the remote off the table and walked to her room. She said “GIVE IT BACK!” And my dick came in my pants. Like on command.

But tonight I wanted a little fun earlier so I crept around to the guest bathroom, and luckily the master bathroom door was open, as was the door to Morgan's room from there. It was dark in Morgan's room, and the music was really loud, but I could hear her muffled moans. I don't think they noticed or cared when I slipped into the closet. I still wasn't ready to outwardly confront them.

First generation smart-phone with a camera....$500

Dinner and drinks for three.....$300

Watching my loser buddy firsthand win the “game” against my girlfriend while I whack off in the closet with her panties....priceless....
