I had just turned 19 years old when my auntie, my mother's sister, paid an unexpected visit. It was unexpected because although as a ****** we were close in spirit, my aunt lived some distance away and we didn't see her too often. I wasn't too sure of the reason for her visit, neither was I particularly interested, as I didn’t really know her too well. However, after the initial hellos and 'how are you', even though I was a typical teenager living in my own world, I soon became aware that something was not right in her's.

My beautiful Auntie had always been around as I grew up and indeed she had been a constant theme in my fantasies as I wanked my way through puberty. I had been disappointed when she had moved away for seeing her so often gave me many opportunities to expand my 'wank bank' of fantasy situations and she certainly was the most sexy female that I had encountered even though I never got to touch her. I was even more devastated later to learn that she had met someone and was going to get married. I envied him, whoever he might be, to think that he would be fucking her for real when all I had was my imagination of what it would be like.

I suppose that the reason I was so sensitive was that since my father departed from our lives that my mum and I had became very close and she used to tell me lots of things and share the kind of stuff that maybe a mum shouldn't. Auntie, up until that point, hadn't given me the same impression.

Mum ushered her in and took her through to the sitting room and asked me sweetly if I would be as kind as to make a pot of tea. Being a dutiful son to my loving mother, I did as asked and went through to the kitchen and while I waited for the kettle to boil and busied myself with the art of making the perfect 'cuppa' I listened through the open doorway into the sitting room where they were sitting together. It soon became apparent as to the reason for her distress for she burst into tears saying something along the lines that all was not right in her marriage. I shouldn't have eavesdropped … but I did.

I waited a while for the tea to steep before pouring and I was intrigued to hear my aunt say that the reason for her distress was that she would dearly love to have a child but, unfortunately, the sperm of her husband, the uncle whom I had never met, had proved to be infertile. I was more intrigued to overhear her say something to the effect that neither could he get a proper erection; something that I had no problem with achieving and couldn't imagine how embarrassing that must be.

My mother was most sympathetic toward her little sister (she was only 32 years old) and tried to console her by saying that if she was that desperate that maybe they should try IVF, a kind of artificial insemination as I understood it.

My aunt countered by saying that it was a very expensive process which they had no money for it and, anyway, it was not guaranteed to work. She then went onto say that an alternative would be to find a young man who could make her a child by being a donor.

Mother laughed at that but my aunt said she was serious and that she had already talked to her husband about it and he had said that it would be OK by him just as long as it would be a 'healthy' young man who they could trust.

Suddenly it became dead quiet in the sitting room until the silence was broken when my mother said, "Hey, you are my sister and you know I would do anything for you; I think we know why you have come to visit."

She then went on to say something that alluded to what I thought was a secret between Mummy and me, she said, "I can tell you that we may have the solution right here. …" she nodded toward the kitchen where I was peeking around the door," … I've seen him masturbate and I can tell you he's a real squirter!"

I ducked back out of view and blushed for what my mother had said was technically true, she had seen me, but what she didn't add was it was her who sometimes did the masturbation and that it was her who since I was old enough to get an erection had 'soothed' me off to sleep at bedtime. There had never been anything other than her loving hands stroking my night-terrors away but it had became a regular bedtime ritual and, yes, over the years as I grew through puberty I had developed a powerful ejaculation which she always congratulated me upon as evidence as to my 'growing up to be a man'!

I hastily poured the tea and with trembling hands carried the tray into the sitting room to hear that the conversation had moved on a bit from the part where my mother had more or less revealed how she knew I was 'a squirter'. I had to guess at how they got to the point where my auntie was asking, " … but wouldn't that be ******?"

Mother looked up to see me negotiating my way through to where they were sitting, "Ah, there you are ..," and then turned her attention back to her sister and said, "… no, I don't think so, ****** is only when it happens between your direct kin, your parents or your siblings … I think that's the definition."

Auntie looked at me as I set the tray down and giving me a smile responded to mother with, "Well, if you think so and that it is alright with you, let's give it a shot …." She giggled and added, "… I mean, let's give him a shot!"

Without more ado she picked up her phone and called her husband, my anonymous uncle, and I listened as she told him the plan that Mummy and her had concocted while I was out of earshot in the kitchen. It quickly became obvious that the plan was that I would be the 'donor' and that rather than me masturbating and ejaculating into a dish for her to use that it would be more effective if I fucked her!

I couldn't hear what his reaction was to be asked if it was OK for his anonymous nephew to fuck his wife but the conversation sounded as if it was all very amicable and I have to say that my aunt was very persuasive, telling him that it was my mother's idea and how, if it did work, that 'it would stay in the ******'. Clearly he had no objection to what was being suggested for after a few 'love you's' and kissy noises she happily hung up and said to my mother, "He agrees with you … it wouldn't be ******."

My mother picked up her tea cup and said to my aunt, "Well that's settled then. My son, the little one who squirts a lot, will squirt a baby in your womb. Everyone will benefit, you will get the baby you so much desire; he will get his first fuck and because he won't need to jerk off in bed and make a mess of the sheets I won't have as much laundry to deal with!"

I was in shock as they continued to talk as if I wasn't there. It was surreal, arrangements were being made without any consideration as to my opinions about the matter but, in truth, I was thrilled at the idea. What wasn't to like? I was being virtually ordered by my mother to have my first fuck with her sister (she, who I had fantasised about for so long) and everyone was encouraging me to do so, even her husband.

I was a little disappointed when contrary to the rising excitement in my shorts that auntie looked at her watch and said that she needed to be 'getting along' as now she had an excuse to go shopping and to choose baby things but before she left, a date was set when she would return. She gave me a peck on the cheek and said that, "I hope you don't mind us asking you to do this but you will be doing me and my hubbie a great favour."

What could I say in return?

She departed and mother finally gave me all her attention and a hug, "She's right, you will be doing them a great favour. Now why don't you drop your shorts and we can check if you're going to be up to the task!"


So it was that the die was set and I was going to make few people very happy with the promise to get my aunt pregnant.

It was the following week that the doorbell rang and I answered to see my aunt is at the door. She took me in her arms and hugged me tight before we went through to the sitting room where my mother had prepared the scene.

I had wondered if it was intended that we should use my bedroom but mother said that the sitting room would be better as there was more room and that she wanted to be present to 'make sure that I was doing it right'.

Auntie agreed and said that she would feel more comfortable if her sister was there as it would prove that there was nothing underhand going on and, anyway, she would like mother to be there to hold her hand when I squirt a baby into her womb. She said it would just make the moment feel so special.

Neither of them asked my opinion, no one asked me if I wanted my own mother to watch me fuck, but clearly they didn't seem to care, I'm apparently just the stallion whose seed is required to do a job; I was just a part of a process as it had all been carefully worked out that my aunt would ovulate in 3 days and that timing was the important part, not where we would we be actually fucking.

My mother led her over to the sofa and began helping auntie undress, telling me that I needed to get naked myself. Once she had divested her of her clothes and neatly folded and placed them on the coffee table she sat alongside her on the couch and began to massage and caress her sister's tits. She looked at me as I hastily pulled off my clothes and said matter-of-factly, "This is what you need to do to make a woman receptive to a man's intentions. It makes them nice and wet inside the vagina so that a stiff cock doesn't hurt the poor girl too much."

Mother had always been good at explaining things and encouraging me but I was somewhat flustered to be seeing my aunt naked, a beautiful woman, the like of which I usually had in mind when I went to bed, and inexplicably as I stood there naked my cock didn't get hard. It was crazy.

Mother suddenly became very agitated to see my half-limp dick, this wasn't part of her planning at all. She stood up and hissed at me, "When you jerk off it gets hard, when I help you it gets hard, why aren't you getting hard today?!"

With that she took my cock in her hand and starts stroking it and that broke the ice, I felt the familiar touch of her hand and from that moment everything became right and with auntie looking on approvingly my cock began its familiar passage to a full erection.

Once my mind got the message that it was my own mother jerking my cock and she was doing it for the benefit of my aunt's happiness, it felt awesome. My mother is so good at jerking my cock and soon I was rock hard.

"There, that's better, " she said.

My mother had done a great job of multi-tasking, somehow she had managed to make my aunt wet and at the same time had stroked my cock to full-on erection!

She pushed me closer to the couch where my aunt lay with her legs spread wide and I had my first sight of a real pussy (other than glimpsing my mother's, of course) and the two of them giggled and moaned together as they saw how my cock was pulsing. My mother pulled off the dress she was wearing and I think she must have been just as horny as me because it revealed that her panties were very wet. She encouraged me to kneel between auntie's legs and then as if I didn't know what to do she took hold of me and guided my dribbling cock so that I was lodged between the open lips of auntie's cunt.

"Go on then, push into her," and my aunt moaned as I followed instructions and slid into an incredibly warm and wet sheath and felt myself being enveloped in the most delightful sensation that I had never believed possible.

I pushed further until I felt my balls pressing against her bottom and it almost seemed as if I had been sucked in and that the suction was holding me fast. Mother noticed my inaction too for she gave me a playful slap and said, "come on, get on with it. You're supposed to be having intercourse and getting my sister pregnant. You won't get far if you don't start moving!"

They both giggled again and I did as I was told and began to do what comes naturally and began to pump in and out taking care not to become fully disengaged. Mother looked on approvingly and then to my surprise took her attention off me and began to massage my aunt's big tits asking her if I was 'doing it right' and 'did it feel good'. Such talk must have made her even hornier for although she only answered with pleasurable moans and sighs I could feel that her cunt was become sloppier and my prick was finding it easier to fuck in and out.

The next thing that surprised me was to see that my mom must have been feeling just as horny for she pushed her wet panties aside and began masturbating and rubbing her clit.. I guess she must have been having the same crazy thoughts as myself that come from knowing that I'm fucking my aunt and that my mother is watching and encouraging me to inject my spunk and to share in making a baby; watching how her son fucked his hard cock into her sister's wet cunt.

As I felt the familiar stirrings beginning to rise deep in my groin, I wondered who will be the first to orgasm, me, my aunt or my mother? I didn't have to hold the thought for long for almost straightaway my mother made a strangled moan that I had never heard her make before and she literally screamed as she orgasmed from the attentions from her hand.

She looked into my eyes and gave a smile that indicated that she was very happy before she shifted her position and came closer so that she could see that I was still doing things right. I thought that she was just going to be an interested observer but, no, she had already decided that she would introduce me to another trick that I knew nothing about and hadn't believed possible. She stroked my bum and leaned over and although I couldn't see it, I felt her warm spit dribbling down the crack between my cheeks. I then felt her finger slip sliding before the slow pressure on my sphincter and my mom pushing a digit up my ass.

If I was already experiencing the most delightful sensations of my cock in auntie's cunt then the feel of mummy's finger inside of me just took my arousal off the scale. She knew what she was doing as she turned her finger until she found 'the spot'. As I continued to pump, she did likewise and massaged me from the inside. It felt sensational and I began to grunt as I emptied my cock and balls in the midst of the best orgasm that I had ever experienced.

Then it was auntie's turn and as she felt my first load she screamed and like pinpricks of pleasure I kept squirting, with my mother telling me what a good boy I am and what a great job I'm doing.

It gave me a warm feeling to hear her say that for I hadn't squirted for a few days so I was able to squirt a large amount of baby-making spunk into my dear aunt and I was hoping that it was true, that I had done what had been asked of me.

After I was done my mother still had her finger up my bottom and with her other hand was continuing to finger her cunt. She began to make some other comment about how nice it was that we could do this thing and help out her sister and then her voice trailed off and she began to moan and for the second time I saw her enjoy an orgasm of her own.

Mummy pulled her finger out of my bum and then held her hand against me so that my still-erect cock stayed buried in auntie's pussy. She said that I should stay that way for a little while so that my spunk doesn't run out right away and that it would increase the chance of making her pregnant. I didn't quite understand what she was talking about but I was quite happy to stay put and enjoy the sensations that my throbbing cock was giving me from being inside that safe wet warm place and knowing that I made two women very happy with my having my first fuck.


It was a few weeks later that my aunt called and told mother that she had been to see her doctors and he had confirmed she was finally pregnant. They were both delighted at the news and I was in turn congratulated for playing my part. However, I also became a little confused as to what my relationship with the child would be, would I be regarded as 'father' or would I be a cousin? I must ask mummy what she thinks.

After the news had sunk in, mother asked how my uncle had taken the news, " …was he pleased?"

"Pleased? He was thrilled," was auntie's reply. She then went on to say that he had been on board with the whole thing about having his nephew (me, who he had never met) fucking his wife and she said he had listened to her description of the fateful afternoon saying that it was the hottest thing that he had ever heard and how he wished he had been there to see it.

And from that conversation it fell upon me to make another person happy for mother and aunt agreed that if that was his attitude then what would be the harm in repeating experience and to include him in the company!


So it has come to pass that on a regular basis that Auntie and Uncle will pay mummy and I a social visit and after we have done with the ****** chit-chat that Auntie will lay down and I will be invited to fuck her just like we did that first time. I have to say that it felt a little strange at first to have my uncle sitting nearby stroking his stubby little cock as I fucked his pregnant wife but it has now become such an expected feature that none of us take any notice. Indeed, he always jokes about how wonderful it is to be made a cuckold by someone who has such a big cock as me!

I'm not sure how long this situation will last for I'm guessing that the 'more pregnant' auntie becomes, there will be a point where it is not a good thing to be having my cock stirring things up inside her. However, she has said that she will look forward to the time after she has given birth and doesn't have that baby-bump for us to continue doing what has bought joy to us all.

I, obviously, share that desire for if nothing else it allows me to continue being a dutiful son to my mother's wishes.
