White Wife Conversion CH 8

Emily and her husband walked hand in hand down the tree lined park path. The sun peeking out in between bright white fluffy clouds felt good on the skin not covered by her yoga pants workout shirt. She leaned on him as they walked, she felt amazing. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this happy.

A little further up the path a group of black men were hanging out under one of the trees. They whistled at her as they leered at her toned ass. Her husband started saying something to them about his wife and monogamy and the sanctity of marriage.

Then he disappeared beneath a flurry of black fists. A scream stuck in Emily’s throat. She wanted to run but something about the scene held her fast. Some of the black men began pointing at her and laughing. She looked down to see a small wet patch between her legs. With a shock the petite young wife and mother realized how excited the action in front of her had gotten her.

One of the men came towards her. As he got closer, he seemed to grow in stature until he towered over her. He took off his shirt, then with one hand he ripped her shirt off. Her instinct was to cover herself with her hands, but instead she just stood there and let him look at her firm breasts. He stepped out of his shorts and Emily saw his 14-inch cock.

Then she was on her back on the grass her overstuffed pussy yielding to the most erotic fucking she had ever had. She looked over at her husband crumpled and bleeding on the ground. She thought she could see the heartbreak in his eyes as she shouted at his assailant.

“Harder. Fuck yes. Harder. You’re so big. Fuck” then a smile grew on her face “I’m. Going. To. Cum. Faster. Faster. I’m almost there. Don’t..stop..sooo..close.”

She reached out to put her arms around him, but he seemed to fade away leaving her with an empty feeling in her soul.

Emily woke up with a start. She was bathed in sweat and between her legs there was a large dark stain on the sheets. Her hair was matted to her forehead and her pussy was throbbing. Reaching between her legs brought her no relief and she began to cry. When she thought about her dream and how she had treated her husband she began to sob. After her crying fit subsided, she struggled to her feet and went to the bathroom to splash some water on her face. Then she returned to bed almost too scared to fall asleep again.
As Emily slipped back into another dream, her cousin Amy was bound on her masters bed with leather straps pinning her arms behind her back. Her black hair was now in a long silky braid with another leather strap woven into it forming a loop at the end. This loop was attached to a hook that forced Amy’s head forward so she was looking at the large dildo sliding in and out of her. She could fell Her Masters wife breathing heavily on her neck.

“You come over here to fuck my husband” the ebony goddess spat at the thin framed girl beneath her.

“Yes” Amy whined.

“You want him to knock you up”

“He wants to knock me up” she replied before a particularly deep and vicious caused a spasm of pain to run up her spine. Amy’s master’s wife could be even meaner than he was. She resented the young, pretty Asian girl. She didn’t like that Amy was the reason her husband divorced her. Amy was the reason she had to raise her husband’s bastard son. And now he he was trying to knock her up again.

“That’s not the question I asked you, slut. I asked if you wanted him to knock you up?”

Amy knew that his wife was perfectly aware of the answer.

“Yes” Amy hissed.

“You love him, don’t you” asked the woman wearing the strap on. She slowed down her thrusts and reached down to rub Amy’s swollen clit.

“Yes I do. Yess, yesss” Amy moaned as her lesbian lover brought her closer to orgasm. They had been lovers for many years and knew just how to please each other.

Amy realized she was about to cum and nothing could stop it. Not that her mistress was trying to stop it. She leaned forward and whispered in Amy’s ear.

“He doesn’t love you. You’re just a fuck toy to him. He married you, but you’re just a junkie slut that’s why he left you and took his baby with him. Now all you have left of your marriage is some john’s kid. A permanent reminder of being so desperate for a hit that you let your johns bareback your pussy you dumb slut.”

Every word was true and it hurt worse than anything her master had ever done to her. What made it worse is that she couldn’t stop the orgasm that made her body tremble as she heard them.

“Are you done with her?” Amy heard her master’s voice.

“For now” Reggie’s wife replied, rolling Amy onto her stomach and taking the strap off her wrists. Amy pulled her hands under her and began rubbing her sore wrists.

“How much time you got” Reggie asked.

“I have to be back by three for a conversion session” Amy said. Reggie pulled her up onto her hands and knees as his wife settled her thighs one either side of her face. Amy immediately began to eat her mistress’s pussy. Soon Amy could taste the pleasure juice dripping from the pussy in front of her. Reggie threw his hips forward. Amy grunted as she began sucking on her clit. She brought her mistress to several orgasms and felt her own orgasm beginning to build. Amy’s face was jerked up as her mistress held her jaw and stared into her eyes.

“You gonna sit there and let my man get you pregnant in front of? How disrespectful can you get? Who do you think you are to come up here and do me like this?”

“I’m so..” Amy started.

“Shut up. Don’t make a sound, you hear?” she asked as she got off the bed. Amy heard her rustle in the closet for a moment then the sound of a thin reed switch slicing through the air followed by a startled cry.

“What the fuck?!?!?” a surprised Reggie shouted.

“Fuck her faster. And harder. Blow your load into this bitch’s womb and get her out of here.” Reggie picked up the pace and depth of his strokes. “And if you make one sound…” Reggie’s wife let the threat hang in the air as she rubbed the switch over Amy’s nipple and looked into her green, almond shaped eyes. Amy had an adorable button nose, thin lips and a slightly pointed chin. She watched Amy intently until her eyes snapped closed and her face bunched up as she tried to remain silent.

He felt good inside her, and Amy tried her best to conceal her growing passion. For the most part sex with Reggie wasn’t painful anymore. Now even though she could feel him stretching her pussy it was no longer painful. There was the right amount erotic discomfort to stimulate her beyond what other men could do to her.

She held her breath then let it out in short, ragged gasps. Although Amy was braced for the pain of his slamming into her cervix so she was able to keep quiet, it did nothing to lessen the agony of his thrusts. But even through the discomfort she felt several small quakes run through her pussy. She knew the big one was coming.

Suddenly the ferocious assault ended, and Reggie froze. The sudden throbbing in her tightly stretched pussy in addition to the warmth of his attempt to breed her pushed her over the edge. Unable to control herself, Amy let out a high pitched wail that slowly died away as she recovered.

“All right, you got what you came for. Now get out” Reggie’s wife said gathering the petite teens clothes. When Amy didn’t move fast enough Reggie shoved her out of bed sending her tumbling to the ground. She got up just in time to see her mistress through her things into the hall. Dizzy and exhausted from her orgasm Amy stumbled out after them as quickly as she could.

As she passed her mistress the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. The unmistakable sound of the switch. It hit her just ass with a crack. Amy screamed in pain lost her balance and fell onto the floor in the hallway.

“I told you not to make a sound. Now make sure you are home by ten tonight. I got plans for us.”

“Yes, Nicole” Amy replied meekly. Then she watched as her dark-skinned mistress closed the door to be alone with her husband.
Amy went straight to her office thinking she could see Emily, get a shower in and get herself ready for the rest of the afternoon. She was pulling into the parking lot when her phone rang. She tried not to panic when she saw it was her boss. If he somehow knew what she was doing with Reggie she was ruined.

“Hello Agent Barnes. I was just about to park” she said trying to sound casual.

“Good, come to my office right away.” What Agent Barnes said next sent gave her goosebumps. “we have a situation.”