Once again, there won't be much sex. Sorry. It's coming. This is more the conversations I dealt with and observations.

It was an average Friday night. You had made wanted to make plans with your buddies from college, but they were going to some high-end night club, and you weren't into it. Your friends from work were all busy themselves, either out on the town, or otherwise. So you decided to make a call to your hometown friends, who lived only 45 minutes away. Again, all your calls yielded little results. Except of course Bill, your asshole obnoxious buddy. He had burned enough bridges with your buddies from home, some still liked him, but none of your friends from college did. You knew he'd get *****, and you knew what that meant.

When he got to your apartment, he already seemed half in the bag. He was chugging a beer, very quickly, and you wondered if he had drove while drinking. Either way, he was here now, and mostly safe, as he could crash on your couch. If he got too ***** and wandered off, he was on his own. Or if he got into a fight, it meant you'd have to help. He wasn't a big guy, smaller than you, and more stalky, but he had big arms. In fact, he kind of had a beer gut. Still, his obnoxious ways, and drunken groping, actually yielded enough women to keep him satisfied. Loose women, and mostly fat, but he surprisingly got laid.

“Where is the hottie?” Bill asked looking around. You knew you were in for a night now, as he was already looking for your girlfriend Morgan. You had met the young teenage Morgan, now nineteen in college, and had dated for some time. She was the quintessential girl next door. She had a cute face, long brunette hair, and a slim figure. Her best feature by far, were a pair of amazingly long legs. She wasn't tall, but she seemed to be mostly legs, like a model.

He didn't make it a secret he had a thing for her, in fact, he hit on her right in front of you. Initially you had fought both verbally, and a little physicality, but nothing serious. Morgan had pushed his advances away, with more than a little anger. Now you both just accepted, it was who Bill is, and decided its best if you treated him as harmless. It was hard for Morgan, as he had slept with two of her friends, Hillary and Melonie, and constantly hit on her. When she denied his advances he wanted her to “help him” get laid then. If not her, she had to figure out by who.

Over the past few months, you urged Morgan to get to know him, and she did. There were nights when you were out with friends from college, and Bill came up that she hung out with him, as she wasn't close with many of your college frat friends.

She became more relaxed around him. Even played with his advances now, which often made you feel odd, but you accepted it. This was better than fighting all night. In fact, she talked to Bill now more than most friends who weren't mutual friends. Morgan thought your frat buddies were losers, and your friends from home were dorks. This wasn't totally a lie, especially with your hometown buddies. They didn't exactly pick up the chicks. Morgan and her friends, were often, almost always actually, the only girls around. Most of your buddies still couldn't even muster up a conversation with Morgan. It was obvious from the start, Morgan was a higher class than the woman you brought around in high-school and college. You lucked out when her friend dated your friend, you met, and she thought you were “sweet” and “nice”. It took a few weeks, but she finally agreed to go out with you, and you'd been dating for months now.

“She's running,” you told him. She was going to come out with you, despite having initial reservations. She knew it meant defending herself all night from the “asshole's” advances. She still had a little annoyance for his drunken ways. She had initially thought of calling her friends, but they had decided not to come out she told you.

“Is the fat slut crew coming out with her?” Bill was referring to Morgan's friends. The two that he had fucked.

You shook your head. “No,” you laughed. “Just us, I guess they're busy.” Morgan hadn't explained what they were doing. You knew at least Hillary would want to come out and see Bill, so it was odd. They'd end up fucking somewhere, aka in Hillary's ass usually.

Bill went to fridge and grabbed a beer. He cracked it open, and took a big sip. “Good,” he smiled even wider. “Got the hottie all to myself.” It was as if he didn't even acknowledge you were dating her. That she was literally staying at your house.

“You know we've been dating for several months dickhead,” you just laughed brushing his obnoxious attitude off once again.

Bill gave you a look, which told you he wasn't buying it. “Come on, it's not serious, she's still in college, and you're graduated.” He was referring to the fact that you were three years older than Morgan, which made him six, since he had been held back twice.

“Whatever dude,” you went to den and sat down in the small loveseat. Your spot. He followed and sat on the couch opposite the television.

Bill sipped his beer. “Come on, just give me a few hours alone with her. I mean it, I'll make it worth your while!” He added, seemingly serious in his words.

“You're out of your mind dude,” you just sighed, then stopped. What did he mean by “worth your while”. You looked over to him. “What does that even mean?”

Bill laughed, “I'll send pics, just like always!” He was referring to his trophy pics of sluts. You'd seen Hillary’s fat ass plenty, sometimes with his dick inside it.

You told Bill to lock it up and shut up, as you both heard the door to the back stairs open. Morgan was back from her run. You heard the fridge open, and she pulled something out. She walked into the den, and said hi, and then saw Bill. “Hey Bill,” she said sipping her water.

Bill ogled her. “Damn,” his eyes rolled over her body in her tight black yoga pants, and form fitting maroon workout jacket that hugged her small curves and showed off her small but perky tits nicely.

“Jesus Bill,” Morgan huffed, “already,” she turned away as he adjusted his jean pants. She ignored him and asked where you were going. You told her the place with one dollar drinks, not the loud crowded bar, or the one where your knew everyone. There was a nice quieter bar, with less people, no one you knew, and still dollar drafts. You just didn't feel like running around and being social all night. Luckily, everyone agreed. “I need to get ready,” she told you. Everyone had already eaten dinner, thankfully, and it wasn't too late. You planned on going out at around 1030, which gave you a few hours.

Morgan walked past you and you caught Bill following her small pert tight ass in those black yoga pants. “Fuck,” he said, “I hope you at least fucked that today,” he made a “uhhhhhh” sound loudly, “what I would do to her everyday.”

You didn't answer. Because honestly, you were a little embarrassed. You hadn't fucked her. It had actually been a bit. You were both to busy, with school and work. You were planning on going to post graduate, so you studied as well. Morgan had a job and a full school class load.

Morgan came downstairs and walked through the den to the bathroom, which unfortunately was near the back door behind the kitchen. Sucky place for a bathroom. IT was always cold around this time of year, in the winter. Bill kept checking the kitchen, as if he'd see something. About twenty minutes past, and Morgan came out, almost running past you both, with towels around her chest, and body, and head and hair. You noticed she didn't have her clothes. Bill must have noticed too, because he got up and said he needed to use the bathroom.

A few seconds later you heard “Jackpot,” and Bill called you into the bathroom. Confused, you stood up and sipped your beer as you passed through the kitchen. Bill was in the bathroom holding up a pair of black Calvin Klein workout underwear. It was clearly Morgan's. “This is gold right here,” Bill said as he took your girlfriend's panties and put them to his nose.

“What the fuck are you doing shithead,” you said moving to slap them from his hands. But he pulled away, and took a deep inhale, his head going back, with a smile on his face.

“That's some grade A pussy buddy,” he laughed, taking another whiff. You watched him adjust his crotch in his jeans, a bulge forming on the left side of his pants. It wasn't huge, but it was noticeable, and growing. You saw Bill's eyes open, and could see them a little dilated, as if he just took a drug. Almost imperceptible, but it was there. “A pussy smell like that is natural Viagra!”

“Cut it out dick,” you turned around to make sure she wasn't coming. You should stop him, but for some reason, you wanted him to explain. You had never noticed this about Morgan. In fact, when was the last time you even smelled her pussy. You remembered eating her out once, but she tried to close her legs quickly. She didn't like it, she told you. You made sure she wasn't coming. “What do you...what do you mean?

Bill smiled. “It's just instinct with a hotter girl.” He pointed towards the kitchen. “Come on I'll show you.” He brazenly walked out with the small panties in his hand, and walked to the den. To the left was a room, occupied by your friend, a girl from college, who was engaged to another friend. She almost never appeared at the apartment. In fact, your other roommate, whose room was next to yours, had all but left himself a few months back, only returning occasionally. You basically lived alone. Your female roommates area was a mess, as if a bomb had went off. Clothes strewn everywhere, an empty bed with sheets hanging off, and clutter all over, with combs, and hair curlers. Morgan often grabbed some stuff from her room, since she was never around.

Bill saw what he was looking for on the floor. A pair of purple panties, more granny panty than sexy. He asked when she was here last, and you told her a day ago to change clothes. Only for a moment. Bill sniffed the purple pair. “EXACTLY!” He said and handed them both to you. “Take a look at her panties,” he said and pointed to an oddly gross yellowy mucus around her crotch. “Nasty,” he said, “just like her,” and he was right, she was shorter, and pudgy, and didn't keep herself as well as some girls. She just didn't seem to care. “Now take a look at Morgan's panties,” he said as if he were some teacher. You fell into the roll of student and looked at the crotch of Morgan’s panties. There was some white shinnies to the crotch. “That's good GRADE A pussy juice!”

“What the fuck are you talking about Bill,” you laughed, turning to make sure Morgan wasn't around. This was ridiculous.

Bill put his hand on your shoulder. “Take a whiff or your roommates panties,” he said. “I haven't even done it, I don't want to, but do it, I'll show you.”

You sighed and knew he wasn't going to let up. A little nervous and somewhat embarrassed, but wanting to truly know what your friend meant, you lifted your portly roommates panties to your nose. The smell was repugnant, and sent your head back. Almost like fish mixed with cat-food. Something had to be wrong. Bill nodded. “See, now Morgan's,” he lifted your hand, with Morgan's panties from the run up to your nose, and even before you could take a whiff, the aromatic, and sweet feminine smell hit your nostrils. When you did take a breath, you were shocked when your cock began to instantly stiffen in your pants. He was RIGHT!

“Holy shit dude!” You said, looking in mirror, your own eyes ever so slightly dilated. It was like an intoxicating drug.

“I bet it tastes like cherries,” Bill said. The lesson finished, he walked back to the den.

You put your roommates panties to the ground and walked back out, Morgan's panties in your hand. Bill asked for a beer, and you grabbed him one, and then grabbed yourself one. You still had the panties in your hand and walked to the bathroom. Your phone buzzed in your pants and you checked your messages. It was a buddy from work, telling you he was at another bar. You got caught up then with an alert about your football. You were standing in the bathroom, and looked at her panties. One more whiff, you told yourself, and lifted them to your nose, getting the flood of feminine pheromones in your nose. That's when Morgan came up behind you.

“Uh....what are you doing,” Morgan said, seeing the panties gripped in your hand.

“I had to move them,” you said fast, “they fell,”

Morgan moved past you, “Right you little perv.” She seemed annoyed. “Looks like your sniffing them. Eww...just get out so I can do my hair.” She shook her head laughing. “Little perv.” She was grabbing a curling iron to straighten her hair.

You mumbled that it was Bill's idea. You had no idea why you told her. She just laughed. “Bill doesn't need to sniff panties dude. I'm pretty sure he gets laid just fine.” You heard her say as she closed the door.

What did that mean?

You returned to the den, Bill was chugging a beer on the large couch. You sat down in your love-seat, and began to drink faster. After another half hour, Morgan came out from the kitchen, looking pretty nice, not too nice, but tight blue jeans, showing off her toned legs, and a tight black top, with no bra, her small boobs bounced as she walked. She did have on full make-up, trying to cover zits and scars from zits. She even had on dark red lipstick, darker than normal. Her straight dark hair was well done tonight. She looked rather sexy.

“Damn.” Bill muttered and adjusted his crotch. The left side bulge was back, and now bigger than ever. It almost instantly grew when you watched it for a second. You looked up to see Morgan glance down at it, and then over to your crotch. You had an erection but it wasn't as pronounced.

Morgan actually laughed. “Ooooooohhhhkkkkkkkk....I guess I look good.” She actually sat on the couch next to Bill. She had black socks in one hand, and he black ankle boots in her other hand. She rolled up her pants, giving both of you a nice look at her calves. She then rolled up her sheer black socks over her dainty feet that had the curve of a girl who wears heels. It wasn't much, but for some reason it felt like a incredibly arousing little show. She slowly did the other foot, and slipped into the boots, zipping one up, and then the other. Bill and you watched every second of it.

You got up to grab a beer, and asked if anyone needed one. Morgan was still applying make-up. Bill had half a beer. You came back and opened your beer. Bill then chugged his. Without even looking up, Morgan asked Bill to make her a vodka tonic. Bill smiled. Why hadn't she asked you. It made you feel odd, but it wasn't a big deal really. He winked at you as he went into the kitchen. Don't make it too strong dick, you thought in your head.

These little things weren't a big deal at all on their own, but for some reason, you added them up, the comment in the bathroom, sitting next to Bill, and asking for a drink. It was as if you were the third wheel tonight. Bill came back and handed her the drink. She sipped it and her face grimaced. “Whoa...ooohhhhkkkkkk....that's a drink.” He had made it strong. This turned out to be just fine, as she drank more. In fact, she seemed to loosen up. The three of you began drinking pretty heavily. Maybe it'd be a fun night you thought.

You watched TV, and “Keeping up with the Kardashians” came on. Morgan pretended to hate it,but she watched it, and tonight you all just made fun of the show. At one point, Kim and her sisters were trying on bikinis. Some rather risque ones that showed off their huge asses. The kind the young girls liked now, that rode up high on the waist, covered the pussy pretty well, but gave plenty of view of the "ass-cheeks". Morgan muttered how she wouldn't be caught DEAD in one of those types of bikinis, “even if I had an ass,” she added.

“Looks nice to me,” Bill took a glance at her ass on the couch.

Morgan rolled her eyes, “Thanks Bill!” She watched as one of the Kardashian sisters came down the steps in a tight pair of sporty green shorts, again like the bikini, that rode high on the waist. The "short" shorts had white lining on the outside, and came down to below the young girl's ass-cheeks, still allowing a bit of a view of lower buttocks. "Now see, these girls drive fashion and that's too much."

Bill downed the last of the rest of his beer and stood up. "You could pull those shorts off," he assured her and walked to the kitchen. He called in and asked if anyone wanted a drink, and specifically asked if Morgan needed another.

You watched Morgan again roll her eyes, but she whipped her hair. She shook her empty glass. "Should I have him make me a drink," she looked in the kitchen, she chuckled and yelled, "fine, but I'm watching you make it". She stood up and walked away and you were nervous to have them alone for some reason. That same strange butterfly feeling in your chest, and stinging in your crotch.

You peaked around the corner. She was watching Bill pour the vodka. "Ok stop!" She cried out, and grabbed the Vodka bottle, and they fought for it playfully. It was reminiscent of the games he'd play with your high-school crush, and it caused more butterflies. Luckily, she stopped and pulled back.

"At least do a shot," your buddy pleaded. They weren't really being quite, and you weren't sure they were trying to be. Morgan got another glass, and that must have been a sign of agreement. Bill poured her one, and then himself. They clinked their glasses in "cheers" and Morgan was about to suck the shot down, but Bill made a joke. "You could pull off those shorts, I should know I've felt that little ass," he said it so quick, and took his shot. It caused her to laugh and choke on the shot.

She hit his shoulder rather hard causing some vodka to spill. "Such an ass." With the glass in her hand, and some Vodka left, she then poked him with her finger. "I didn't forget that mister," she called him "mister" as she always did when play angry. "You grabbed my ass the first time we met!" She then put the glass down, and poured herself a shot, and poured Bill one. Then she quickly took her own. She walked towards the fridge, pushing him aside. You recalled their first meeting, how Bill had groped and grabbed her. She told you it was nothing. Wasn't it? She was just being playful. As per usual.

"It felt pretty nice to me," your dickhead friend spoke lowly to her as he stared at her ass in her jeans.

Morgan pulled out some more tonic, and poured ANOTHER drink. "You should know," she chuckled, moving past him towards the bathroom. "you had the whole cheek in your hand. If I didn't have leggings that would have been bad." She pretty much confirmed what Bill had said, that he basically would have been fingering her.

Bill again spoke lowly. "I got a little ass that night," he made a gross pun.

She didn't skip a beat with her return quips, but this next one hurt you. She kept walking but you could see the side of her face as she smiled and slightly nodded in a defeated, but jokingly accepting way. "You were actually the only one who got ass that night Bill." It was a shot at you for not taking her home, or going with her. It made your face red with anger, but you just sat back down and drank.

Your buddy came in and sat back down on the couch. Morgan followed a minute later, and sat with him. Bill clicked through the channels until they came to watching "Cross-fit" competitions. "This could help that ass?" Bill said. Instead of blowing him off for the comment, Morgan commented about how she didn't want her ass "too toned", but Bill insisted it was all about diet as well as the cross-fit. For a half hour, they talked about it, and Morgan seemed pretty interested. They debated workouts such as "squats" to thicken her "little ass" and foods like cottage cheese with enough fat to "keep it squishy". You had to admit, this was better than the earlier conversation about her ass.

Should you confront them? You weren't sure, as it was playful, and still not too bad, or too humiliating. The drinks were flowing, and you were loosening up. Let it go, you told yourself. It could be a fun night. You just drank and tried to keep up. At one point Morgan was flipping through her phone and laughed. Bill inquired what was so funny. She showed him her phone, and he laughed. It happened once or twice more, again reminiscent of past instances when Bill played his "game" with girls he was targeted in on. You were jealous, and felt the butterflies in your stomach once more, and your cock twitched. What was that, you thought. You had no idea.

"What's so funny," you wanted to be included.

She held her phone up. It was a meme of a girl sucking cock and the caption "what guys think I do when I'm *****", underneath was another picture of a ***** girl past out on the floor lying on a slice of pizza with the caption "what I really do when I'm *****." She laughed and stated the meme's "true". You didn't find it too funny, but Morgan went back to scrolling, and now just showing Bill who laughed. They were locked in some back and forth discussing memes, on the couch, with Morgan's legs crossed towards Bill. Her foot was touching his slightly. None of this was any kind of big deal, but you sat watching, almost from the outside. You started to feel like a third wheel, in your own home, with your own girlfriend and your dickhead friend. They seemed oblivious to you. More butterflies filled your gut, and a half hard cock bobbed slightly. It was an odd feeling.

Trying not to watch them too intently, you tried to use peripheral vision. You caught them passing her phone back and forth and laughing. They were having a grand old time, for what seemed like forever to you, even if it was only mere minutes. Morgan was falling away from Bill laughing at one. "***** girl memes are the BEST!" You then saw her body shoot up slightly, she grabbed Bill's knee. "You want to see a good one!" She had an odd look on her face, and frantically flipped thorough her phone. She showed him something, and Bill grabbed it. Morgan reached across his lap to try and get her phone back, but Bill had it and stood up. "Give it back," she begged. Bill was laughing and telling her "never". She stood up, and you watched them fight over the phone. You could see the picture, and remembered which one it was. It was from a wedding of Morgan's friend that you attended. Morgan in a turquoise dress looking ***** and annoyed, surrounded by Hillary and Meredith stuffed in their blue bridesmaid dresses. They looked fat and *****, and were pulling Morgan into the picture. All three had a glazed look on their face. Even *****, Morgan had looked great at that wedding, and that dress, which she rented, made her boobs almost pop out. Bill zoomed in on her boobs, and Morgan finally grabbed the phone. "You're such an ass."

She pushed him slightly, and he fell to the couch, smiling. He sipped his beer, and you could hear that it was empty. Morgan drank her last drop and went to the kitchen. You and Bill debated a replay from football. Morgan returned with a beer and a glass of Vodka. You were sort of surprised when she put the beer in front of Bill, and sat right back down next to him, flipping through her phone.

Neither of them seemed to notice she didn't get you a beer. Bill still commented on football, even as you felt even more like a third wheel watching these two. You're cock was hard, but it must be because you had to pee, right? That makes sense to you. Morgan seemed annoyed, and she insisted you change it. You flipped back to Cross-fit, and the two again talked about a regime for some time, not paying attention to your presence. Your girlfriend stood up, leaving her phone on the table and exited the room. You flipped through the channels, and caught Bill grabbing her phone quickly before it locked. He was typing away.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Shhhh," he waved his hand at you. "This will be funny, trust me." He was typing away hard now. He quickly put the phone down, when you could hear Morgan's heels hitting the kitchen tile.

She sat down and picked up her phone. She opened the phone and huffed. "WHAT?" She shook her head and looked at Bill. "That's so mean!" She still laughed and kept looking at it feigning shame.

"What is it?" You asked, wanting to see. She showed you here phone. Bill had made a meme of the wedding pic. It read, "That Moment When," and at the bottom, "the fat girls pull the hot friend into the picture to get more likes!" You actually did laugh pretty hard, as it looked like Morgan was truly awkwardly pulled into the picture at the last minute.

Morgan began plugging away on her phone now, holding up a finger to say "wait". She seemed content. "This is better," she implied, and showed Bill the phone. He laughed and she then showed you. It was the same pic, but now captioned, "That Face You Make...when your fat friends pull you over so guys talk to them."

Bill then asked for the meme, with a pervy smile. You thought Morgan would say no, but she asked what his Facebook was, but then corrected herself, and said she'd get it from you. She began searching her phone, and a few seconds later. Bill'brought his phone out. She told him to "accept" the friend request, and messaging request. They began "chatting" back and forth. Morgan lifted her head up. "Your such an ass." She shook her head. She sighed, and then looked down, and flipped through her phone. I do have a better one...of ALL of us. You watched her send something.

"Nice," Bill moved in his seat. Morgan got up and left the room, and Bill showed you. It was another pic of all three of them. None of them were *****, and Morgan looked radiant and wonderful in her dress, and make-up. Once again her boobs looked huge in that push up part of the dress. You saw their conversation. Bill had asked for "nudes", and no response. Then he asked for at least another "pic". Bill laughed and said "spank bank".

Morgan came back, she placed another beer for Bill, with not even a look at you. Bill typed on his phone. Her phone buzzed. "Ok," She giggled and put the phone down, "that'll do", and then spoke up. "Don't message me at 2AM for wank pics dude". You watched Bill type again, and Morgan's phone lit up. She picked it up. "Ohhkkk....ten minutes in and blocked. Good job!" She left and went to go get another round.

"What did you do?" You asked.

"Shithead put a picture of my tits as the chat pic," Morgan spoke from the kitchen. "Classy," she still seemed to be laughing about it. She came back in, set a beer in front of Bill, and sat next to him, legs crossed towards him. Bill was typing away, and getting frustrated. She picked up her phone and shook her head, "I wasn't kidding dickbag, and DO NOT post that pic or the other one!" She looked up at the TV and pointed to it. "Look at her ass," she said changing the subject, without even intending. The conversation went back to Cross-fit, and didn't include you. As you got up to get your own beer, no one asked you for a thing. You heard Morgan mutter that she was being serious as she didn't want "dick pics" at 2AM. Still, you came back and she was constantly showing Bill her phone and laughing, you occasionally asked to see, and it was always a stupid meme or quote.

They were full fledged engaged in conversation, and didn't acknowledge you until you spoke up. It was odd, but it had happened before. Twice, when two college friends wanted to hang out. Morgan didn't like them, so she mostly talked with Bill. Nothing crazy, and almost exactly like this.

The drinks flowed, and you felt more loose once again, even if the weird half boner kept creeping back. Maybe it would be fun night?