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Character Personality Poll!

Eternal Robin

Certified Helionite.
I posted this over in the author's den, but since it's BNWO related I figured I should probably post about it here! Don't worry if you haven't read my story, context won't be necessary for your vote!

The poll is to help determine which direction the characters personality should take! Please take the time to cast your vote *(you get two!)* or, if you have other ideas, please comment as you like!

For more granularity: the woman (Lexa) will be of Asian descent, she will be a snowbunny, and she will have an inherent desire to mock, ridicule, and tease men of any race other than Black. These attributes are salient and will not be altered, regardless of outcome.

Thank you for taking the time to be involved! I appreciate your time and consideration 🙇‍♀️.

Also I apologize if posting this in order to draw attention to another post breaks rules. The author's den is a little out of the way... Hehe.